Holy cow G-gal, you guys already have a lot of snow! Maybe you can get your sweetie to dig your car out for you.....after he gets his dug out, of course.
Let me tell you all a little story. It goes something like this.. 5:30 am, check company's new "hotline" for closing. Business as usual. 5:35 am, shoveling, shoveling etc. 7:10 am, leave for work. 7:35 am, arrive at work. 7:36 am, start driving home. 7:40 am, help lady stuck in alley. 7:45 am, push minivan on to Greenfield Ave from S 57th 7:50 am, wait for bus getting winched to move out of my way. 8:05 am, home again. (some slick manovers to get from main roads to side streets)
HA! maybe later. I'm going back to sleep!! Milwaukee is closed!
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
Hi all! Just now checking in, but this day started at 4AM when I woke up because of the strong winds. That was okay because I needed to go pick up my grandkids this morning. Anna is in the hospital with kidney stones and Chris couldn't miss any more work, and Miah's school is closed... no clue why, the roads aren't really bad there... but anyhow, I have them for the day.
Its cloudy and about 26 degrees right now, but oddly most of the snow melted off overnight. I'm not complaining. We'll see if anything happens weather wise later. The forecast keeps changing.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
That pretty much sucks Squonk. Guess it would have been easier to just stay in bed.
yea! 11:15 I just got up. It sure was nice to nap! I heard the landlord outside with the snowblower, but I'm not complaining.
oooh I have beer and tha makings for pork roast sammiches. then I'm gonna sit by my fireplace and read for a bit.
Well, it was really sort of fun. Hardly anyone is on the road so, whatever. And the people you stop to help allow you to put it in to perspective. As for the weather stopping Squonk... I don't think so! Chicken on the grill tonight. (the menu on the fridge says so.) Some tunes, fire i the pit... a drink maybe. Mrs Squonk went out last night with co workers, not a good scene. She's feelin' it. I'm fresh. Shoveled for 1.5 hours (put it on the spreadsheet) upon returning from the journey to work, hit the treadmill. I watched Pee Wee's Playhouse! Yikes.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.