It's honestly like they just don't have a clue isn't it?
They apparently have no PR skills whatsoever. You would think after the whole "arriving in DC on three separate private jets" flap they'd be hyper-sensitive to how their actions may appear to the public.
I still say one, maybe two of them are gone before the end of 2009.
Little doubt some of those guys will be out of jobs. I think they are just having real issues accepting the fact that things have got to be done differently. The days of the 2 page PR ad are long since gone.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
That's what I keep thinking Mema. They keep making me think of the record companies and how they clung to the old business models.
You just get the feeling that the people who run Detroit don't have a clue how to adapt to the new market conditions.
I'm certainly not rooting against them. I hope they get their act together and become a real success story, but I have almost zero confidence they will.
They also put ads in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution. I saw one independent estimate of what all the thank you ads they placed cost guess that it was around $675,000.
I got some ridiculous ad in the mail today with one of those phony car keys saying that I might be able to start a car with it. Yeah... RIIIIIIGHT. Also assuring me I can buy a fabulous new Pontiac for no money down and $134 per month. AND I'm already guaranteed to have won one of 5 prizes...
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.