I want to learn how to use my broiler at home. I see some good lookin recipies that I dont make, because I'm not sure how to use my broiler.
You should me Mrs Squonk (Nets) That girl can make our smoke detectors go off everytime! Truthfully, she covered my ass when the grill thing went south.
Gas or Electric, I can't recall.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
And good for you Thumper! New job and to quite smoking.
I hope the quitting thing is going well. I have watched a few people try it. Not many succeed the first time around. Don't give up! If you fall off, start all over. Even if it starts by your reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke a day, it'll work.
I don't want to brag (sure, why not!) but, I quit in 1991. I started when I was 14, in 1975! Of course, since I've gone "empty nest" I'm drinking a bit more often. I really think that Vodka is good for you. I've done a 5K @ 6:45 min per mile while under the influence.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
I don't really make resolutions because I break resolutions. I just try to do better. Be better to people. Be better to myself. Do better at home. Do better at work. Be a better friend. I'm not always successful but I try.