Today in the History of Rock....... 1912 After years spent playing the clubs of New Orleans' Storyville district, Jelly Roll Morton moves to Chicago. 1929 Charley Patton makes his first recordings. 1949 Louis Jordan hits #1 on the R&B chart and #21 on the pop chart with "Saturday Night Fish Fry (Part 1)." 1957 Harry Belafonte reaches # 5 with "Banana Boat (Day-O)". 1961 Little Ceasar and the Romans reach #9 with "Those Oldies But Goodies". 1967 The Move hits #2 in the UK with "Night of Fear". 1968 David Gilmour is asked to join Pink Floyd, briefly making them a five-piece band. 1970 Bill Monroe is elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame. 1975 Jethro Tull hits #11 in the US with "Bungle In The Jungle." 1989 Kenny G hits #13 with "Silhouette"