My father-in-law got cleared for travel so we are going up there to help them pack. They want the heck out of dodge ASAP! His toes and feet are still going purple but they are still warm and he is just supposed to keep using the Nitro cream on them.
well as i posted on twitter, my apt is flooding again. The 3rd floor water heater blew and it is all coming down to us. They have been here to soak up the water from the carpet. Not sure if anything else is gonna happen tonight. I woulda thought they woulda brought us the fan to help dry it the rest of the way but what do i know this is only my 5th or 6th flood!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
we are becoming pros at where to look for leaks now. mentally i just don't know how to process anymore. Last time i broke down in tears. This time I'm kinda numb.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"