Ok, lame title, but I couldn't come up with anything else, so let's take this Saturday to honor Saturn shall we?
Anyhow. Woo texted me last night to say she couldn't get on the computer because of her flooded apartment. She wanted me to pass the info along. Somehow I missed the sound of the text coming in at 6 PM my time and didn't get it until 10 AM today.
Guess in an emergency I'm the last guy you wanna text.
Sorry 'bout that Woo, but I see you got on eventually anyway.
Not much going on today for me. I'm going to visit my Grandmother who was in the hospital last month. It's our Christmas visit that was put off while she recouperated.
Other than that, lazy Saturday around the house I think.
I already went out and did my errands before things started freezing around here (it's misting and foggy right now). My vacuum is not fixed, so I'm not going to do all that dusting without being able to vacuum it up. So I'll probably take a lazy day and play video games. Come next week I'll be too busy with taxes and tai chi, along with dinners, gallery openings, a focus group, etc. for the rest of the month to have much lazy time.
Morning all. It's supposed to be cold here today, but I have not been outside yet. My daughter in law called earlier to ask if I want to go shopping for baby stuff this afternoon. I gather we are on the hunt for a bassinette.
Otherwise, not much going on in my world. I slept in for a while today. That was nice! Gonna try to watch the football games later today.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Good Morning, I am taking a Sparky day today. Just gonna do what ever I want for a change. I think Little A and I might go Wii game hunting or something. Figured I would pop in and say hi since I'm taking some ME time.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
Hi all. Not much going on at home today. I too am taking a lazy day and doing some stuff I want to do instead of stuff I need to do. Been sending some files to Squonk and JD, playing Halo, listening to music.
For those of you that have clear skies, tonight is supposed to be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. I won't be able to see it because it's gonna be cloudy tonight, but hope some of you get a chance to check it out.
We got out of town today. We left about 10:00 and went to Kearney. We did some shoppin', ate some chicken at Culver's, did some more shoppin' and came back home.
I got some socks and undies, a new pair of sneakers, a black fleece jacket, and a bunch of new basic sweatshirts.
We got the boy some stuff too, but the best deal was a nice jacket that originally was $60 and it was marked all the way down to $15. I think its big enough he'll be able to wear it next year too.
Mrs Web found some nice slacks for work and some new undies too. Once again, I was reminded that when shopping for women's pants, "W" does NOT mean "Wide".
Our last stop was Walmart. The boy spent some Christmas money and got some more Legos City kits. He's working on those now. Mrs Web had this idea that since this is normally grocery day, why not get groceries at Walmart, save a few bucks, and not have to do it when we get home. She was worried about the cold things, but I said, its only 30 degrees out, that stuff will stay cold enough in the trunk for that hour ride back home. We had never done our grocery shopping at Walmart before. (Is that snickering I hear?)
If hell is any worse than grocery shopping at Walmart, I certainly don't want to go there. A few things were about 1/2 price what they are here at home. A few things were the same price as here at home. Most everything was probably about 10% cheaper. As we sloooooooooooooowly moved along the isles in single file, we both decided that no matter how much cheaper it is to buy groceries at Walmart, it still ain't worth it. If you buy your weekly groceries at that place, you are a lot tougher than I am.
Grocery shopping at the Super Wal-Mart is definitely not for the meek. I split my grocery shopping between there and Hy-Vee. My best advice is to wear your best pair of steel toed boots and don't be afraid to curb check somebody with your shopping cart. They sure aren't afraid to do it to you!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I noticed that it didn't take long and I was feeling like "every idiot within 100 miles must be grocery shopping in here right now". Meanwhile, everyone else was looking at us like "where did these idiots come from?"
I won't do grocery shopping at Wal-Mart without saving up for bail. I have a hard enough time shopping at Kroger on the weekends or after work without mauling someone with my shopping cart.