It happens evertime we play something out of the mainstream, but like I said on air, we have a group of listeners that TRULY appreciate good music, regardless of what decade it comes from, or what genre it fits into.
Playing the same 500 songs from the 80's get's pretty old after a while. I know, we did it for the first year of our existence.
I don't know what to say to that Mz. But my Poison song is playing and Brett Michaels rocks. Anyone ever been to a Poison concert (a recent one)? "Glam Slam Metal Jam"
I requested the Wierd Al. I have most of his albums. I obviously think he is funny, but I also think he is a genuine musician. His original songs are very good, and his parodies are almost always well done.
I love the song Mighty Wings, too. Of course, I love all of Cheap Trick's songs.
When I was first cruising Live365 I heard a song that was called "Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep". I could have sworn it was on FFR. I'm not positive on that, but I'm pretty sure. I don't know who sings it, but when it came on I just busted out laughing. We were in our old offices then and had no cubes, so it was all open and everyone just stared at me because I was laughing like a loon. We've since moved to a bigger office (yeah, business growth!) and we have cubes now. As I've said before, I lip synch like Joe Cocker on speed, so the cubes are nice. My coworkers would agree. Anyone know who sings that song?
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.