Its a cold A$$ day in T Town. My new job is going well with Blue Cross. I think I might get lucky to listen to the radio again at my DESK!! Woo HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More MOney and closer to home. Its all Governement so we actually get our first Holiday of the year on Monday for MLK Day.
Good morning everyone. I just got home from work. Got into the office this morning and we have no heat....they figure it went out sometime last yesterday afternoon since the thermostat was reading 35 degrees. So I have a day off while they try to repair the heating system.
We're just now entering the deep freeze. Last night it went to -10; they say tonight will be even colder as the wind chill goes into the -20 range.
I called animal control this morning and reported my next door neighbors. They have 3 cats which have been outside all day and night with no shelter. They leave them out constantly no matter what kind of weather we have. Last night the poor things were sitting on my front porch meowing like crazy. I brought them inside for the night because I felt so sorry for them. They were so cold they shivered for a couple of hours. Their water bowl is solid ice; I don't know how long it's been like this, and their food bowl is empty; I checked when I got home this morning. The neighbors went to work this morning and left the cats' bowls like this outside. I fed them some tuna this morning (I've never owned a cat and I hope this won't make them sick.) Anyway, I know they stand a chance of being put to sleep once they go to animal control but I think it's more humane than letting them freeze to death this winter.
You did the right thing Ghost. The tuna will upset their stomachs a little bit, but it's better than no food at all.
Congrats on the new job Thump!
I ended up wearing my warm outfit today because I have a dinner to go to after work tonight.
Last night, Brian had to walk home from work because no one would give him a ride. We live about 5 minutes due north of where he works, they wouldn't even have to make a turn. The guys that would normally give him a ride weren't there. Which normally isn't a big deal, he can walk. But it's friggin' cold out there! So I told him that if he didn't have a ride home tonight that I'd leave work to take him home. It's too cold out there for him to be walking home.
This may be a long day. I just have a feeling. My morn started with hubby not turning off the alarm so assumed he was listening to the radio news before hitting the snooze but then he nagged me about getting up. I hadn't heard any of the snoozes! I was all in dream land. I forgot most of my dream but there was a guy that met Jensen's features but wasn't him and we were in some school that seemed overwhelming (like when you first go to high school) and there were activities in each room but you had to go through other rooms to get to the next room. One of the teachers was not happy about having to be there. Somewhere we split up and I felt as if I was being hunted by something and was hiding and trying to find "him". I called "him" and a whatever female leader was hunting me answered. I said "where do i have to meet you?" knowing that they had him. That is all I remember. It had a vampire feeling but I'm sure they could have found me without playing the game. The building had poor lighting.
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 08:00, 2009-01-14
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Oh, and I worked out again this morning. All the elliptical machines were full, so I hopped on one of the exercise bikes instead. It's a different style of one than I usually use, and I hated it. Even though I lowered the seat, I think I'm too short for it. It was very uncomfortable and I won't use it again.
I like them better than that bike. But, I don't use the arms on the elliptical machines, because again, I'm too short. I have to lean forward when the arms go all the way back and I feel like I'm going to fall off.
Good morning, everyone! I'm having a hard time getting started here (FFR), I'm getting work related interruptions!
It's supposed to get really cold by this evening -- not as cold as some of y'all, but after temps averaging around 60 the past couple weeks, wind chills in the single digits is gonna suck tomorrow morning.
Hope everyone has a nice day!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I wish we would have remembered . . . we have a 10:00 school start today. It was on the school calendar, but we just forgot about it. I took the boy to school and was about 1/2 mile away when they called my cell saying it was a late start. So, since I didn't get to bed until 2:30 this morning, I wouldn't have minded sleeping in a little later.
I'll take the boy to school (again) at 10:00 and probably go check on grandma. I called my dad at 8:30, he was there but he said she was still asleep and no doctors had made rounds yet so he didn't know anything yet. I still think she's going to be fine and this is probably just a bug but better safe than sorry.
Morning all. I got going a bit earlier this morning, which is nice. It's actually supposed to get to a high of 38 here today, but then this afternoon the temp is supposed to drop like a rock. Low of 2 overnight. All is quiet so far around the office, which is kind of a pleasant way to start the day.
Mz.. the "bike to nowhere" sucks. Sorry to hear that was the start of your day. Hope your hubby gets a ride today.
Ghost... YAY for the break!
DS... hope things mellow out for you at the office.
Woo... hoping for a good day for you.
Web... hope your grandma is okay
Thumper... Glad the new job is going well.
JD, Ultimo, SG, and Ruby... HI! Have a great day!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Ghost, good job on the cats. Some people seem to think that cats are fine outside no matter what the weather. We've got two around here that are always trying to get in the house when we go outside. They've got collars and tags on em', so I know they belong to someone, but they're ALWAYS outside even if it's freezing cold. WTH. Why have a pet if you're not even gonna have it in the house with you?
There's not a lot going on around here today. It's not as cold as they said it would be and I'm beginning to think the warnings of -20 with wind chills of -45 on Thursday night will turn out to be wrong, which is just fine with me.
None the less, I'm gonna go fill up my gas tank today just in case. I've been joking that I might have to spend Thursday night at the casino so my car can be in their heated underground parking garage. The closer I get to Thursday the more I'm liking that idea. You know, for the CARS sake. I don't want that fuel line to freeze up!