Well I didn't get much sleep and when I did I had a bad dream:
I apparently don't remember it all but I was kidnapped. Some creepy guy that reminded me of Ben from Lost had me and another girl. My first thought was that we were being kept in a basement but later on it didn't seem to fit. We had been drugged and I could see that there were cuts on me. The guy was leaning over me with a knife and talking but I could not make out what he was saying. He walked away and I looked at the other girl who appeared to be still knocked out. I felt a little hazy and I had a headache but not crippled. The room we were in appeared quite big and at the end of it was a door. At the door area there was a hallway that did a circle. So you could just run around the one wall. Our hands and feet were not bound with anything. I guess he figured we were drugged enough. He came back and I remained very still. The next time he went away I got to my feet and ran around the one wall- hiding. I looked at the other girl who still was not moving and wanted to help her but knew that I did not have a lot of time. The guy started to walk back to the area were we were being kept and I made a run for the door. It was locked but I was able to unlock it just in time to see him coming at me with knife. I had to fumble with trying to get the screen door unlocked while holding the first door between us. I managed to get out and just ran yelling for help. I was crying and knew that it I did not get help very soon that the other girl would be killed. The area seemed pretty well deserted. Alley like- I eventually ran into people and then just collapsed at the feet and woke up.
What the hell was that?! I didn't even watch anything like that before bed! I think we had VH1 on and I was reading a magazine.
While we were up north my husband had a dream that he knew I was gonna die and kept trying to prevent it but eventually I died and he woke up. He figured that stemmed from watching 15 min of Final Destination but I have no idea where mine came from.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Stressed about something Woo? Feeling trapped and tortured? Want to just run away from something?
I had two weird dreams last night. In the first one, my husband was talked into performing with a band. I went to the first show, and I was surprised that they didn't have any of their own music, nor did they play any instruments, they just danced and sang (sort of). The first song was Ice Ice Baby, and it was performed in the nude. My husband stood up front and danced the robot the whole time, but only as if the robot was playing solitaire.
The second dream I was in jail, but I don't remember what for. I don't remember how long my sentence was, but it was shorter than all of the people I was there with. We weren't locked in cells, we could walk around freely. And there were areas that had motion sensors on the floor, but the guard showed us how to get around them. And another inmate had a cat, but the cat liked me better, so it became my cat.
Alright Mz, I found a dream thread (I didn't think it belonged in the Right Now thread) and I wrote out the dream that startled me awake the other night. Have at it.
Okay, so I dont know really was the precursor to this dream was. But my dreams can jump around. I just remember the sequence that woke me up. And I am not sure what exactly was going on. Try to get the background similar to an Indiana Jones theme. There was some research or unearthing of things going on around me. Then there was something hidden behind a giant metal or wood type door on a cave. An older, rough and tumble truck was used to knock in the door. The door was moved and behind it there was a beautiful, maybe oak or cherry, wood hutch. It was something that would have been made back in our parents, or some cases, grandparents day. It was big and heavy, but pretty. Then the dream shifted to someone having issues with the lighting. There was a jump to tap the light to see if it would come back on or if the bulb needed to be tightened. I am not sure who that was. But while that was going on I was speaking to my father. I thought that I heard that you werent supposed to be able to carry on conversations with dead people. He has been dead for over nine years now. I was asking anything in particular, it just was conversation with whatever was going on in the dream. So now, he gets a chair to stand on because he is going to check the bulb. A situation that is kind of an odd thing, because he always had us doing the work. After all, that was the reason he had children. Anyway, my father gets up on this chair, a chair I havent seen in probably three years because it is back from Moms house and the last time I saw it would be when my mother moved out of the house. It was simply a wooden chair, made of cherry that one may use to keep in an office at a desk. So, the chair starts to wobble a bit while he is up checking the light and it looks as if it is going to fall over. I reach out to steady the chair as it falls. I caught the chair and straightened it up but my father kept falling. This is the strange part. On the way of him falling to the ground, the arm of the chair severed his lower leg. It was a clean cut, Id say about five inches above the ankle. Now mind you while all of this is going on it is clear as day to me. My father is lying on the ground screaming and writhing in pain. All of a sudden my mother is there and screaming (I dont know where she came from), while I am trying to talk. I can feel my chest all tight while getting out a barely audible ice, ice. Call 911. 911. And that is when I woke up. And while it seems long, it couldnt have been more than a five minute sequence. It really doesnt make sense to me. I guess that is why they call them dreams.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Hm, these are usually just shots in the dark for me, but here's my initial impression: Somebody that you respect and care for is trying to accomplish something, something that may be out of the ordinary to them. Yet, it is something that could have some sort of value (not neccessarily monetary). Even though you had no influence on their decision to go forward in this endeavor, you feel somehow responsible for it. You know that something is going to go wrong, and you want to help, but you feel powerless. There's something nostalgic or comforting about the goal as well, which makes it all that more important to you. Possibly it's something that would look like no big deal to an outsider, but you know it would mean a lot.
Let me know if this makes sense to your life at all when you had the dream. I want to know if I'm ever close on these things.
I can't think of anything that it would apply to right now. My father shows up in my dreams every once in a while. Maybe he was stopping by since his birthday would have been yesterday and my sister's birthday was last Thursday. I dunno.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Okay, third time is a charm: You're subliminally thinking of your dad because his birthday would've been recently, you saw a commercial/advertisement/promo for Indiana Jones, and the lightbulb in your head has gone out.
I had a dream with Sandy in it last night. Copied and pasted from my blog:
Brian and I were up in bed, when we were awoken by a light. We couldn't figure out where it was coming from at first, and then we realized there must be someone in our house. I snuck downstairs, and in the living room there were a bunch of people sitting around a long table. Sandy, from the Freeze Frame Radio forum, sometimes stayed at our house, and we gave her a key. She had invited a bunch of people over to play poker. It was only a couple hours before it was time for me to get up, so although I wanted to hang out with them, I had to go back to bed.
Wow Mz, must trust me an awful lot to have given me a key to your house. If I won any money playing poker, I'm sure I gave it to you and Brian as my way of thanking you for letting me stay with you sometimes.
Okay, third time is a charm: You're subliminally thinking of your dad because his birthday would've been recently, you saw a commercial/advertisement/promo for Indiana Jones, and the lightbulb in your head has gone out.
Mmmmm. Forgot Dad's birthday was around the corner, especially because this was around my sister's birthday, I may have seen the promo for the Indiana Jones dvd and there is a light bulb in my head? I did not know that. I think that has been out for years.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I had a weird dream last night. In the dream, I was inside different video games, running around, trying to find my way out. When the dream started, I was in the Halo video game and all the aliens were chasing me around. I was trying to get to the Master Chief, but he kept changing his location and I couldn't keep up with him. One of the big aliens caught me and took me to their "den" where their leader kept threatening to cut me up with his big medieval looking axe. Just as he was about to swing it at me, I "popped" into the Sly and Band of Theives game. This time the Panda King was after me, and Sly told me the only way I could escape Panda King was to find this huge firework rocket, fly it to the dragon's lair, and then the dragon would go after Panda King. The firework rocket was at the top of this huge mountain that was covered in ice. I had to to find some ice climbing boots and the only "person" that had any was this half-bird, half-lion thing that lived in a bamboo forest. I had to play Guitar Hero and beat him in order to get the ice climbing boots. Once I did that, I went back to the icy mountain, put the boots on, but only one boot had spikes on it to help me grip the mountain. I got 3/4's of the way up the mountain, and I slipped off. I was falling into this huge gorge and one of the alien monsters from Halo flew in and caught me. He took me back into the Halo world. When he set me down, I took off running in search of Master Chief again. He left me some guns to help him kill the alien monsters, but they only shot bubble gum at the monsters. One of the monsters started picking up all the bubble gum bullets I shot at them, put 'em in his mouth, and started chewing the gum. He blew this gigantic bubble that started coming towards me and I couldn't run away because my feet were stuck in some kind of black gooey stuff. I woke up when I was inside the bubble and all the Halo monsters were surrounding me.
What a weird, crazy dream!! I think I've been playing too many video games.
I had a bad dream last night in which someone in our department had to be laid off. The note I saw, as it was handed to my boss, was mostly in code, so I could't see who. But I did see "by the table by the basement vending machines". (imaginary building).
So I wanted to go see this area as I never was there before. Sure enough vending machines, like in a club or bar. I took an elevator to the roof and saw all of the big wigs partying out on this rooftop patio, much like a country club.
I got looks like "what is HE doing up here."
But it wasn't me who got the ax.
that put me in a mood today a bit.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09