Yeah, I thought about that after my girlfriends chimed in. Maybe those old ladies are more along the lines of the listeners and concert goers LND is seeking in the music world.
Sure... if they happen to have macular degeneration they can't see those creepy, buggy eyes and the hairdo so bad it probably ought to be sporting a chin strap!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Just another service I offer! We used to have a guy at work who had the worst hairdo in the world.... that hard edged 70's bad boy with the comb-over and sideburns. I was telling my friend Doug about him one day. Told Doug he would know him on sight if he saw him... just look for the guy who is dressed like a little bitty lumberjack and has a hairdo that looks like a terrified squirrel pelt nailed to his head, with its boney little paws tightly clutching his jaw and it's tail wrapped around his upper lip. Doug did in fact meet the guy a week or so later. Said he had the hardest time not laughing out loud because he looked EXACTLY like I described.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Why don't you have auditions for both? The best talent will come to the front, whichever it is, keyboard or guitar. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and find both.
I don't know if he's still around here, but we used to have an awesome jazz keyboardist that played in my neighbor's quartet. (The neighbor moved to New York.)
Not that it matters, but I say have auditions for both. I don't think it could hurt. And I do think your talent will fall out of the bunch. At the very least, I think you have to replace what you lost, especially if most music is written around certain instruments being in the band. If you are able to get both instruments, go for it. I think it makes a band more well rounded. You may not rely on some pieces as much as others, but you can never have enough.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.