Guess that all depends on what he gets convicted of. He still gets a pension from both the US Congress and the Illinois State Congress, so he is not without income. He might still qualify for his Governor's pension in a few years depending on how the Illinois State Senate votes after his criminal trial.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I think what they were saying is that the only pension he is actually in danger of losing is the Governor's pension. The sad fact of the matter is that most elected politicians who are convicted of crimes and removed from office DO keep their pensions. It requires a congressional vote to revoke a pension, and most politicians are unwilling to do it to someone else because that sets the precident for it being done to them. I remember this subject being widely discussed back when that freak show Senator Foley from Florida was booted out of office for buggering congressional pages.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
He did have a point in that he essentially couldn't mount much of a defense. Failing to attend until the summation was probably not a good move, but it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that he was going to be removed from office. Had he attempted to mount a defense in this impeachment, he would run the risk of giving more ammunition to the criminal prosecution. He all but admitted some form of wrongdoing during his Rachel Maddow interview yesterday. Any public statements he makes can be used against him later... that is a big part of the reason he didn't play to the request of that woman on The View who tried to get him to do a Richard Nixon impression of the "I am not a crook" line.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
The guy honestly strikes me as either an unmedicated or improperly medicated bi-polar personality. He seems to be fairly intelligent, and he can reel off an extemporaneous speech with the best of them... flowing little anecdotes, references to famous people, impassioned rhetoric, a supposed reason for everything... he's really good at that. Just like lots of bipolars I know.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.