You just finished a hard weeks work, here's your paycheck. Hey, the governments gonna tax you on that ok?
Awww, not enough left to do the things you wanted to? Well stop by the bank on your way home and take out some of that money you've been saving for a rainy day. Look at that, you earned a little interest on your savings! The governments gonna tax you on that ok?
Say, on the way home lets get some booze to help you relax! The governments gonna tax you on that ok? What? You need some cigarettes too? Ok, but the governments gonna have to tax you on that.
Well, you're home now. You should go out tonight! You earned it after a hard week of work. Let's call some friends and meet for a movie! The governments gonna tax you for your phone service ok?
Cool, time to get in the car. Oops, we're gonna need some gas. The governments gonna tax you on that ok?
Here we are at the theater. One ticket please! Oh, the governments gonna tax you on that ok?
Popcorn? JuJu Bees? COOL! The governments gonna have to tax you on that though ok?
What a GREAT movie. I had fun! Let's go to Applebees and have a nice dinner. Yeah, you know the drill, the governments gonna tax you on that ok?