Today is my Mom's b-day but we aren't getting together until Saturday. I called her last night and she didn't seem to care as to what or when we did anything as long as we got together. Weekend is definitely better.
Have a good one!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
it's one of those dance moves that the gal on my exercise video makes look so easy. you gotta move your hips in a circular movement and stroll to the side at the same time. but i have absolutely no coordination.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Morning all. Finally rolled into the office. I note my BFF Pambo seems to be out again today. Right now it's another pretty spring morning... sunny and 53* for the drive in. I gather it is supposed to rain this afternoon. Oh well.
Fuzzy... I feel your pain. Quite literally. I've had a headache since yesterday. I've mostly got it beaten into submission right now, but we will see how the day goes. The sad part is there is no real reason for this one. For all of St. Patrick's Day, my Irish arse had only one normal sized adult beverage. Then again, that may have been the problem.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
it's one of those dance moves that the gal on my exercise video makes look so easy.
Ah, I get it. Most of the Richard Simmons stuff is pretty easy but there are a couple moves that Mrs Web has trouble doing too. She was pretty frustrated with work yesterday so she did "Born to be Wild" twice.
it's one of those dance moves that the gal on my exercise video makes look so easy.
Ah, I get it. Most of the Richard Simmons stuff is pretty easy but there are a couple moves that Mrs Web has trouble doing too. She was pretty frustrated with work yesterday so she did "Born to be Wild" twice.
I do my own thing when I just don't get it. As long as I keep moving -- Right?
I've used the Richard Simmons Sweatin' videos and they're really fun. I might venture to Wally World tonight and see if they have one.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I do my own thing when I just don't get it. As long as I keep moving -- Right?
I've used the Richard Simmons Sweatin' videos and they're really fun. I might venture to Wally World tonight and see if they have one.
We got the whole set of four (brand new) on Ebay for less than $40.
Has she tried all of them? I know that I really like the first one, so that's what I was thinking about. I hate to get the set if I'm only going to use one, know what I mean?
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Fuzzy, if it makes you feel better, I "Sharpie" myself on a regular basis. That takes days to come off.
That does take days. The sad thing is I usually write in pencil. But, since it is that time of year to fill in thousands of reports, I have been operating with a pen. I missed a line item and I had to correct a subtotal. May I just have some cookies and a nap now?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
disco strangler wrote: Has she tried all of them? I know that I really like the first one, so that's what I was thinking about. I hate to get the set if I'm only going to use one, know what I mean?
Yup, I understand.
I just called her to check and make sure . . .
she likes the music in all of them. You can't really go wrong there.
1 - The easiest of them all. She does that one when she's already kind of tired but wants to do something.
2 - She hasn't actually done this one yet, but she watched it to see what it was like. They use chairs to hold on to and work around. They also use floor mats for a few things lying down. They do more stretching and things like that in this one.
3 & 4 - Are quit similar. They are both a little more aerobic. She said when she really wants to sweat, she goes to 3 & 4.
She likes the music in them all, but 3 & 4 are her favorites. "Born to be Wild" is in #3 and they do "punches" in that one. She likes to pretend one of her coworkers is on the receiving end of those.
She said to add that in #1, they do more repetitions of each move where 3 & 4 has more change ups. It takes a couple times to get used to that, but once she learned where they are going, she likes them better too because they move a little more.
sounds like a good mix. i think i might venture to amazon -- birthday present from DS to DS!
I was gonna asked you what you wanted for your birthday this this a possiblity for me to give to you? I know that may seem like a lame gift, but if you will still love me for getting you an exercise set, I will!
One year Duane bought me an exercise bike for Mother's day and his friends thought I would be mad. But I asked for it.
sounds like a good mix. i think i might venture to amazon -- birthday present from DS to DS!
I was gonna asked you what you wanted for your birthday this this a possiblity for me to give to you? I know that may seem like a lame gift, but if you will still love me for getting you an exercise set, I will!
One year Duane bought me an exercise bike for Mother's day and his friends thought I would be mad. But I asked for it.
if you still love me for "poking the bear"
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)