I have a scratched cornea and a small infection in it.....I was prunning one of our Crepe Myrtles on Sunday, turned and caught one of the branches in my eye. Went to the eye doc yesterday and got the great news. It's more of a pain (watering and itching) than anything....plus people thinks it's gross cuz its soooooo red!
Last night we stuffed ourselves on awesome free Mexican food. And they were SO nice to us! (I was afraid since it was free we might be shirked.) So I left a $20 tip.
I'm not entirely sure if all the corn affected me or not. I was really loopy and tired afterward, but I had a big margarita too. I'm not a lightweight, and I didn't taste a whole lot of tequila in it, so I think it might've been the corn.
So today, I'm continuing the experiment. Breakfast is popcorn and a cherry coke.
-- Edited by MzHartz on Tuesday 24th of March 2009 07:14:02 AM
I am still an emotional wreck. It is a combo of my thyroid, PMS and some real hurt. Last night was better at my home. One day at a time. I think my illness makes my husband nervous and he has a hard time riding my emotional waves. I am not making excuses for him, I tried to give him an out, but he will not take it. I am glad that this is not beating him too much. When we go through this we become stronger, but I would prefer other ways to bring us closer. BUt I guess I will take what I can get.
thanks for always being here FFR friends. You really do touch my heart and make my day! I had a very nice note from one of you this morning, I went from tears to a smile in two seconds!
Well, I think I've confirmed that I'm allergic to corn. After the coke and the popcorn, I feel like I'm in the sleepy stage of drunk. I want a nap... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
self diagnosis is greart.....I was the on ehtat figured out I was lactose intollerant!
Actually, this was doctor's orders. She told me to take all the stuff that I tested positive to out of my diet, then reintroduce them one by one.
So far the list includes bananas, dark chocolate, and now corn. Next, and last, I try eggs. Although I still have some corn to try, I may be okay if it's far enough removed from corn (like xantham gum) or if it's a small enough amount.
hey, flour torillas instead of corn, problem solved when it comes to mexican food?
Flour tortillas usually have baking powder in them which has corn starch in it. Plus, going out for mexican, it's usually cooked in corn oil, or vegetable oil which has corn oil in it.
Morning all! It looks like it could dump buckets of rain just any time now, and presently is about 47*. We had thunderstorms in the wee small hours of the morning. The house shaking from the thunder woke me a few times. Hence, I'm getting all caffeined up for this day.
Bummer about the eye, SG... my eyes are watering in sympathy.
Ruby... good to hear things are starting to improve. Every little bit helps.
Sorry to hear about the corn allergy being for reals, Mz. That is a tough break.
Morning on, everyone.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
It feels more like November outside today than March, but that's ok.
Last night I drove all around town listeing to FFR on the iPhone. I wanted to see if it would hold the signal. I figured as I switched between towers it would drop, but not the case! forty minutes of driving and not one drop!
So today I'm heading to radio shack to buy an adapter that will allow me to play the audio through the car stereo. TOO COOL! FFR IN THE CAR!
I'm gonna HAVE to drive around Sunday night just to hear JD on my car radio!