I guess they've completely run out of creative ideas for sitcoms and dramas, this is all they have to offer now
NEW YORK - The Fox network is making a reality show out of the troubled economy.
An upcoming series titled, Someones Gotta Go, lets employees of a small business decide which one of their colleagues will be laid off.
Fox says it has no air date yet for the series, which is being developed by the company behind Big Brother and Deal or No Deal. Each week, a different company lays off an employee.
How embarrassing to be the employee that gets laid off. Airing all the dirt behind why the employees picked that person. You probably won't get another job in any surrounding town where you live. I wonder if that person then wins by suing?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I get enough reality in real life...I watch TV to be entertained and maybe enlightened...to watch some one and say, "well at least I aint that dysfuntional" doesnt take into account, that there but for the Grace of God go I. Human suffering isnt entertainment.
I'm seriously hoping this is a "made for the TV show" company. Having watched up close and personal all too many times the real human effects of people having to worry about getting laid off, I can't see making a real TV show of laying someone off. Sick and wrong doesn't even begin to describe it.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.