This has been the week from H - E - Double hockey sticks! We work on contracts and they all have a due date, but sometimes the date gets changed and someone walks up to you and hands you a book and says "Get it done as fast as you can, but do it right." Yeah, that happened this week. TWICE! It has been bad. To top it off, my dad is my boss and he's going on vacation for two weeks, so the pressure was on to get all this stuff done before he left. THEN my husband's family decides that we are going to take a family vacation this weekend and starts sending me e-mails to discuss where we're going, etc. If I had gotten caught doing personal e-mail with those deadlines hanging over my head, dad or no dad, I would have been dead. In fact, I think it's worse 'cause he is my dad because he's a lot harder on me than he is anyone else. He also knows when I'm giving him a look, because he's used to it (and has learned to interpret them). So another supervisor might just see that I'm following along with the conversation and that I look mildly disinterested in the conversation, my dad picks up on right away as the real look and knows what I'm really feeling. Kinda sucks sometimes. ANYWAY, long story, well, LONG, because I DO tend to babble, I'm still checking in and I appreciate the concern. I'm not giving up on FFR.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I'm sorry to hear you had such a rough week, but VERY happy to hear you're still watching over us!
You N' Mo are like a cyber sister and brother to me! You'll always be special to Freeze-Frame for being the first two people not affiliated with the station to sign up and help get this forum started!
It's usually so hard to start a forum, but you two really made an effort to talk, even if it was just nonsense, so the board would take off.
YOU GUYS (and all of our other active members) ROCK!