And THAT my friends, is why as "shirtless" as I go in public was seen in that "prom" picture I posted a couple Sundays back.
I knew cool stuff happened later at night. I remember being a little dude and wishing I could stay up late enough to see "Playboy After Dark" (
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
A few did. Oddly so did some of the girls. I didn't stick around there for long since it was a Sunday night and I had to get to work early the next day. I did get voted "best rack" at the prom!
Dylan mentioned that he liked the pic. A few times. In order to post it here, I actually had to post it somewhere else on the internet, so I uploaded it to facebook and buried it in family pictures. I forgot that when you upload pictures, they show on your friends walls. Amusingly enough, some guy I went to high school with that I hadn't seen in 20 years asked me out. I really didn't think it was that great of a picture.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yeah, once you upload a pic on Facebook, it's on your wall too for all the see. There is a way to keep some stuff private or only for specific friends, but I'm too lazy to go through my 200 plus "friends" and categorize them as to what they can and can't see. I should've set it up when I first went on Facebook.