Last night we went up to Indy to get Brian fitted for his tux and find me a dress for our friends' wedding. We found a dress in the first store! (And I do mean "we," Brian actually found the dress that I ended up getting.) But it took us 3 more stores to find the shoes to go with it, and again, Brian picked them out. Normally, he won't have anything to do with shopping with me, but he was quite proud of his help last night. He got big brownie points for that.
Morning all. Final workday of the week for me. I have a nice four day weekend. So far there are only minor plans, so that will give me time to vegetate. But first I have to make it through the day.
Work on.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Good morning, all! Final work day of the week for me too! YAY!
My day is going okay so far... got up, logged in, read some e-mails, then went to take a shower. Gotta run my friend Marissa to work in about 20 minutes.
I've also been getting text messages from my sister. Rough day at her work. She works for a steel company in Detroit. One of the truck drivers was loading some steel coils on his truck and wasn't doing a very good job of it. Didn't get a coil securely on the truck bed and failed to chain it down... it came off the truck and took his right foot off at the ankle. Bad deal.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'll try JD. It shouldn't be hard. Maybe a little pretend fishing tomorrow, a few cookouts, a visit with family, wash and vacuum the car, relaxing and adult beverages with some friends and some general me time too.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
That is my plan too... but starting tomorrow and going all next week. My grandson Walker's birthday is Saturday, so I'm going to go hang with the them for a while. Hopefully will be bringing home my Mother's Day present... Jeremy made me an adirondak chair and foot stool. Chill out for the weekend. Tuesday is my birthday and I'm told I will be attending a party at the happy hour spot. Sometime I need to do some yard work. It should be good.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yeah, there is always that whole yardwork thing. My mowing schedule is off due to the rain we had last weekend. I couldn't do it Monday night because I had to watch the 2 hour season finally of 24. So I mowed Tuesday after work. I am thinking Monday may be a good mowing day.
I also decided that I am going to try to convince a few people to go play frisbee golf at some point.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm home with the boy today and tomorrow just to give him a couple more days of "chill time" before he starts back at daycare.
Over the last few days, the boy FINALLY got going on his bike. He's just never really been wanting to ride his bike all that much. I didn't want to force him on it so we just waited. He made up his mind that it was time he get going on it. We told him that once he got to where he could ride the little bike he as good, we'd get him a bigger one. He's been doing good so he got his new bike this morning. Now, we're waiting for a break in the rain so he can go ride. He's not being very patient.
Update on the accident at my sister's work: The doctors had to amputate both of the driver's legs at the knee. Tragic! Apparently it was only his 6th day on the job as a "will call" driver, so he was completely inexperienced.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yeah, it is. I feel bad for the guy. Hearing some of the details, its just horrible. My sister is really upset too. She wasn't in the area when it happened, but at part of management she had to go assist with the situation.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Its pretty scary. I vividly remember the metal haulers up there from the last time I visited. Scared the bejesus out of me being near them on the road.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I have no idea. I don't think she actually saw him. Gather she had to go out to help with the OSHA investigation and to probably get the low down on any damage to company equipment and the coil of steel involved in the incident. Either way, it is tragic. The guy was apparently not very experienced and wasn't getting any assistance from the plant employees who were around at the time of the accident.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I gather the deal was that he was trying to guide the crane operator who was loading a 40K ton coil of steel on the truck. Don't know what went wrong, but what I was told is that several people in the area didn't think it was going well but didn't say anything because "not my job". That to me is no excuse. Safety is everybody's job is how I see it. I've done my share of things that were "not my job" to save someone injury or death.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
That is most of the conversation Laura and I were having. She was appalled to hear that attitude coming from these people. I am too... its simply unconscionable to me to stand idlely by and let someone get hurt that badly. I told her that in my opinion, since the plant manager was one of the people who was there at the time, he should be fired.
I guess OSHA told them that they don't have to report the accident on their records, but the trucking company does. Regardless, they are going to get sued and I bet they pay out a big bunch of money.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Believe me, I think the poor guy should get some form of compensation. He's never going to be the same. Even with prosthetics, it will be a long, long time before he can walk again. I hope every single person who could have tried to prevent that from happening but didn't has horrifying nightmares for the rest of their lives about it.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.