An 88 year old, whack job, hater named James von Brunn decided to go into the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. to try to kill people. He successfully got two steps inside the front doors and fired off one shot from a really old .22 caliber Winchester rifle before security guards shot him in the head twice. Alas, he is still alive. His one shot did manage to kill security guard Stephen Johns.
What could possibly make a person think that this type of action is the way to accomplish their goals? I just don't understand.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'm surprised his one shot killed the security guard, yet two shots from security guards (who I hope know how to use a weapon if they're carrying it) in the head didn't kill him. Only the good die young?
Some people just aren't right in the head. According to a fox news article --
"A cousin, Virginia Gerker of St. Louis, said in an interview she hadn't seen him in 50 years. She said her family had "disowned" him and believed him to be mentally ill."
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Lots of news articles are saying that people thought this dude a nut job. He was on watch lists for several organizations that he wrote hate articles about. Yet, he picks a national museum to try to shoot up with nothing better than a .22 Winchester rifle that is almost as old as he is. Yes, he did succeed in killing one man that was a member of a race he disliked... but this isn't going to spark a revolution. Some reports indicate that he had left a list of potential targets in his vehicle. What? Did he think he was going to walk out unscathed and head to the next one? In that city? What a crackpot!
It is amazing that he got as far as he did with this little endeavor... the guards at those museums are armed. At that particular museum, the are continually trained to respond to just such an event because they are frequently protested by various hate groups and receive daily threats.
It is very likely that this guy will die from his injuries. Reports are that he has 2 bullets in the brain and is in intensive care. His victim just died faster. The shame of it is that this guy is sucking more medicare dollars by continuing to live and being treated in intensive care.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yeah, when I read that he used a .22, my first thought was, "well, hell, that's just enough fire power to piss someone off!" You would think a better plan would be to walk in wrapped in explosives and push the button. Now taxpayers will probably have to pay for his hospital bills -- ironic for someone like him, don't you think?
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Apparently one of the things he was a cranked off about is that his social security was recently reduced. Even hater crackpots want their government checks. There is no doubt that we are now footing the bill to keep this guy breathing.
I kind of had the same thought about his choice of weapon. Even a .22 can be deadly if you hit the right shot... obviously. Sad for the security guard. Someone interviewed a family member of his this morning... his mom I think... such a sweet lady. She is refusing to give into the hate. Said she feels bad for von Brunn because he was obviously mentally disturbed. Very generous of her.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.