2 ducks walk into a bar and the horse says ..says.. dang it,.. a guy carrying a duck says to the horse... krap, ok ok ..here it goes - a duck carrying a farmers daughter orders a ....wait , thats not it,,k,,kk, got it. a bartender shoots a duck and the farmer's daughter says to the horse..., AAAGGHH ... 2 horses were bartender hunting when a duck came by carrying the farmers daughter and ......OOPS! just noticed these were supposed to be clean jokes....hmm...a farmers daughter was giveing her gun a bath when a horse flew by carrying a duck...
I'll give you that one, Sparky, and go you one better. CP will like this one.
Two older men and a young man are playing a round of golf. They come two a tee with a huge water hazzard, and one of the older men goes first. He drives the ball and PLOOP, right in the drink. He walks to the edge of the hazzard,holds a 5 iron over his head, and the hazzard splits open. He walks down to his ball and chips it on to the other shore.
The young man tees off, and PLOOP, right in the drink. He walks out on to the hazzard, swirls his hand, his ball comes up to the surface, and he chips it on to the other shore.
The secind older man tees off and the ball is heading straight towards the water. Suddenly a crow swoops down and plucks it from the air. A huge gust of wind sends the bird sprawling and it drops the ball. It lands of the back of a frog on the side of the hazzard, and it hops to the edge of the green. A fox darts out, bites the frog on the bum, which causes it to hop extra high, hurling the ball into the cup.
The young man looks at the second older man and says, "Dad! Play the game fair or don't play!"
A marketing agent has hit his stress limit and decides to take some R&R. He always wanted to try hot air balooning so that is what he does. After a few quick lessons he decides he want to go alone so he can unwind, but is in such a hurry that he neglects to grab a map.
After about an hour of daydreaming in the basket, he looks down and realizes he has no idea where he is! He is surrounded by farm fields, but sees a man hiking down a country road. He manuevers to balloon towards the hiker and says, "Excuse me! Can you tell me where I am?"
"You're about 50 feet in the air, hovering in a hot air balloon." replies the hiker.
"You must be an engineer!" says the marketing man.
"Why, yes!" says the hiker, "How did you know?"
"Well," says the marketer, "Everything you told me is technically correct, but doesn't help me at all! Thanks for nothing!"
"You must be in marketing." retorts the hiker.
"Yes!" says the balloon man, "How did you know?"
"You have no idea where you are, how you got here, or how to gat back. I didn't have anything to do with your problem, but after one conversation, you've managed to make it my fault! Have a good drift!"
All the organs of the body were having a meething, trying todecide who was the one in charge.
The brain wanted to be incharge because it run's all the body's systems. Without is nothing would happen.
Blood - circulates oxy. and w/ out they'd all waste away
Stomache - process food and give everyone energy.
Legs - carries body wherever it needs to go
eyes - allows the body to see where it goes
the rectum - responsible for waste removal
All the other body parts laughed at the rectum and insulted him, so in a huff he shut down tight.
With in a few days, the brain -headache, stomache - bloated, legs - wobbly, eyes -watery, blood - toxic. They all decided the rectum should be the boss.
When Albert Einstein was making the rounds on the speakers circuit, he usually found himself anxious to get back to his laboratory work. One night , as they were driving to yet another rubber-chicken dinner, Einstein mentioned to his chauffeur ( a man that resembled Einstein in looks and manner) that he was tired of speech making.
"I have an idea boss," the chauffeur said. I have heard you give that speech so many times, I bet I could give it for you." Einstein laughed loudly and said, "Why not? Lets do it!" When they arrive at the dinner, Einstein dons the chauffeur's cap and jacket and quietly sits in the back of the room. The chauffeur give a beautiful rendition of Einstein's speech and even answered a few questions expertly.
Then a supremely pompous professor asks an esoteric question about anti-matter formation. He digressed here and there to let everyone in the audience know how smart he was. Without missing a beat, the chauffeur fixed the professor with a steely stare and said, "Sir, the answer to that question is so simple that I will let my chauffeur, who is sitting in the back , answer for me!"