murscclub - it is nice to hear from another state sysytem of higher education product. i only made it out to millersville once. i played varsity soccer for three years. that is how i was able to see some of the other colleges around the state that i had never visited. of course, it has been years so i do not remember too much about anywhere. plus some places are so different with all the growth in the last 7-10 years.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I went to a little community college in Godfrey, Illinois. It's called Lewis and Clark Community College. I had a full ride to any state university in Arkansas (in Arkansas, if you score higher than a 24 on your ACT you get a full ride scholarship to any state university or college), but my dad retired and refused to let me stay there with absolutely no supervision or relatives nearby. I argued that I had my best friend, Kelly, but I think that only made it worse. I had a partial scholarship to SIU Carbondale, but dad didn't want me going to a party school. Well, I didn't. I went to LCCC. What an experience. I started out going for teaching, then switched to nursing, then switched to getting married and starting a family. My family history is very bad for cancer and the doctor said that I had a small window of opportunity and that I needed to take it. I went back after my son was born, but the babysitter was telling me all of his milestones and I figured it was more important for me to be a mom than a college grad at the point in my life. Some women can do it all, but I'm not one of them. Anyway, to cut the novella short...I worked my way into a very nice job where I'm an editor/proofreader for a pubs company. I love it, but I'm also glad that I was a stay at home mom for at least 6 years.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.