I'm not even supposed to be here today! Scheduled for vacation day but in-box is overflowing and staying home would mean listening to in-laws bicker. So I came in even after insomnia-filled night. Also I am sunburned
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
She was sick early last week and didn't come to work, which is very abnormal for her to stay home, even when sick. About Wednesday, she was admitted to the hospital here for pneumonia.
Saturday, they flew her to Lincoln to a hospital there. Her lungs are having trouble keeping her oxygen level up. They have put her on a breathing machine now so her lungs can rest, and they are saying she has a 40-50% chance to get through this.
I most definitely have a case of the "Monday Meh's". Got to the office a bit ago, heard one of the annoying etch-a-sketches talking to the guy who sits across the wall from me about last week's on-call, had that moment of "OH NO! SAY IT AIN'T SO!"... looked at the calendar... it's so. He's first level on-call, I'm second level. That means I will get 50 calls about nothing every night.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.