It is a nice morning here. I just took this pic with my phone when I got here to the office. Someday I'll have a phone that takes decent pics (I hope).
I heard yesterday that the first stimulus package has created 150,000 jobs. That makes the cost of each job over $380,000.00. Yikes.
I've been hearing these last few days that some folks are talking about the need for ANOTHER stimulus package. The government has only distributed about 1/4 of the first one. Gimme a break!!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I've been hearing these last few days that some folks are talking about the need for ANOTHER stimulus package. The government has only distributed about 1/4 of the first one. Gimme a break!!
What I don't understand is . . .
Rather than spending $380,000 to create ONE job, why not just give $38,000 to 10 businesses for the sole purpose of hiring one more employee. Instead of 150,000 jobs, the same money would add 1,500,000 jobs, plus all that money would go right back into local economies and local taxes.
Doesn't it seem that would do better at getting more people back to work, and stimulating the economy at the same time?
We have a roadway project going on around here that has a big sign that it is funded by the stimulous thing. Would love to know how much that useless sign cost. What I don't understand is the nature of the project. They are just fixing parts or sections of the road. Cutting out the old asphalt where cracks are or have been filled and then pouring new concrete. The sections are not more than five feet wide and are not continious. Of course this is happening on a major roadway, where about 2 milion cars travel a month. Now, as I look at this project, I can't help wonder about the cost effectiveness. Without knowing all the details, it almost seems that it would have cost less to scrape the lanes and completely repave them. It would have been completed by now had they done that. And it sure seems like a better plan then what they are currently doing. It seems like a waste.
I don't see how getting a couple of dozen guys working for a few months is going to help the economy. We need steady, full time, permanent positions.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I would have liked to be standing in the cemetary while M was hanging out the sun roof taking pictures uttering "It's so wrong" and Pambo sat there laughing at her.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.