It's the girls in oregon. i got an id. hey! so i just got busted man!!! we listen at work, and we have a computer man that comes from offsite to fix us. well he's here fixing one of our computers. She was slow and we thought she needed some RAM. (get it?) just kidding. but ya, good old Hall & oats comes on--cant go for that. and we're all "right on!!" and the computer man goes "ARE YOU STREAMING THAT??" and busted us for using the whole companies bandwith. GREAT. we won't turn you off. NO CAN DO. CANT GO FOR THAT.
OH! now it's the cure!! i love it. i'll never turn you off. it DOESN'T make us slow dangit!!
Fight on Our Courageous Sisters of the Northwest!!! All of us FFR-heads stand shoulder to shoulder with you in your battle against the evil IT empire!!!
Woohoo! I'm so glad you made it! It sucks when those darn IT guys get in the way though. Be a rebel, defy the IT geeks (no offense to any we have on the message boards...), and listen to your internet radio! (As long as it's Freeze Frame, of course!)
If the IT guys win this battle, we will still sympathize with you. Some of our own, such as Trish, have had to sacrifice their FFR. But, that's why it's important to be a member on the boards, so you can still get your Freeze Frame fix!
Welcome aboard Jennycat, Don't let those computer geeks block you out of your right as an American to hear music at your desk!
If they hassle you just call the ACLU and tell them your company is trying to stifle free speech by blocking Freeze-Frame Radio from it's listeners!
Why, our little, tiny, itsy-bitsy 64kb stream never hurt NOBODY! If you're business has DSL they could handle 16 to 20 streams without a problem, if they have a T1 line (which is most common among businesses) then unless EVERYONE is tuned in to internet radio or downloading major motion pictures, they should have NO FREAKIN' PROBLEMS!
Lastly, I've made this offer before and I'll make it again. If you boss gives you trouble you just let me know his/her name, phone number and extension! I'll call and straighten them out for you!
Also, we gots guys in this forum from Cheeeeeeeeecaaaago if you knows what I mean. And I think you do!