We Netflix'd a Blu-Ray "Stomp" concert and watched that last night. Wow, those guys (and gals) are amazing (and funny). Even the boy watched the whole concert all the way through with us and thought it was really cool. We're keeping it another day and watching it again tonight.
Just google'd them. Did I see them on Sesame Street once? (Having twin 5-yr-olds, I watch Sesame Street more than anything else right now.) Looks pretty cool. They have some shows in PA coming up. Think 5-yr-olds would like it, or would it be too loud?
Morning all. Not much going on today at the moment. I need to go view my job offer from Ericsson, but can't right now because their website is down. I guess me and 6141 others trying to get there at the same time is too much.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
We got to go see Stomp a few years ago. It was a really fun experience. There was a lot of start-quiet-and-build-up type sequences, so I'd only take a little kid if they had the patience for that. There was a kid at the show we went to, who during one of the quiet parts, said really loud, "What are they doing that for!" It was cute, but it kind of ruined the moment.
I go to sleep wide awake and wake up tired. Just one of a few ways that I'm backwards....
Ain't that crazy? That's me EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I don't want to go to sleep because I'm wide awake and have a million things I wanna do. Then when it's time to get up I'm exhausted and don't wanna get up. The only think I wanna do is stay in bed.
Morning all!
Let's see if the station can go one whole day without a crash! *fingers crossed*
Poor MZ & Web are wearing out the key pads on their phones from texting me so much!