I think there's just a really naive person out there who likes this song. Someone can't be that vindictive! We just want to know who you are so we can understand your love of this song.
I was thinking the same exact thing, but for DaVinci's Notebook.... I actually take my headphones off when it is on now. I think whoever is requesting Jane's getting Serious is also requesting Davinci's notebook. it is an evil conspiracy from another internet radio site to drive us all away!!!!
There are afew songs that are getting an awful lot of daily airplay, but this "Jane..." thing is downright ridiculous! C'mon, whoever you are, it's safe to come out. We don't want revenge, just a little relief! Once a week would be Jane enough!
Yep, that's another one. And Mahna Mahna is coming up, I think. It might be "Lime in the Coconut." Actually, we all should be aware of our requests and keep FFR ecclectic. Y'all can't hit a moving target!
But Lime In the Coconut drove us crazy for a while and then died down. I think the same will happen with Mahna Mahna. But Jane's Getting Serious has been going on for months!!
It was on there a lot when I was able to listen. That's been a long time ago. You know, I hate to admit it, but I kinda like it. I know, I'm weird. The first time I heard it, I thought, what the h*ll? But then it grew on me. Of course, if I had to listen to it as many times as you guys do, I would probably be sick of it, too. I only wish I could hear it. Sniff. Whine. Whine. O.K. I'm done.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
It seems like a mix of wanting to hear a song with the added component of not wanting the requested song to be outrequested by a song deemed eccentric. Even the Forum isnt immune to a little friendly competition. It starts with a little song, a little time and a little request button.
Maybe there should be a thread for Requesters Anonymous:
Hi, my name is Dylan and I am a Requesterholic. I haven't requested Davinci's Notebook in 7 hours
Thats Jane out of the way for the day then! Its just been played so if im right with the new request rules, we cant hear it again for 8 hours! woo hoo!
I really feel sorry for the Jane out there this person is obviously infatuated with, probably stalks and perhaps could be in a corner rocking back and forth right now with the new 8-hour play restriction! Beware Jane, this 8-hour limit might just send him over the edge!!!
I have read this thread, and the song is playing now. I have to admit I must tune it out every time it is played. It sounds familiar, but not one that I remember playing frequently.
I would love to do a Matrix on my company and thier largest client for hanging me out to dry. Now I have to convince myself, the real secret is that there is no spoon. Maybe that will take the sting away.