I think I'd rather surf over shark infested waters.
There's no guarantee that the sharks would hurt me, and the sharks aren't going to come above the water. But there's no escaping a forest fire, and if it rages, it could reach high enough to get you.
My thought about wind surfing was the wind (or lack thereof). If I had to hang out sitting on my surfboard awaiting some cute coastguards to come rescue me, it could be a while. My legs dangling off the board may not be good. And trying to stay balanced on a board in what could be choppy waters might be tough. I know sharks may not attack based on just dangling legs, but you never know.
Like I said, tough choice.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I know they will all be really tough choices and obviously they make you thinkn. Sometimes I find that other people will bring up things that never crossed my mind. I guess I went with the worse first and thougt of the stranded thing over actually just surfing.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Oh yeah... another bonus to the hang gliding over the forest fire: You can see where the danger is and have a better opportunity to avoid it. In the shark infested water, it would be difficult to spot danger until it was right on you.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.