People are always asking me "Jeremy, what can I do to help the station grow?"
And I'm always saying "uh duuuuuuuuuuuh, I don't know, water it more?"
But the other day I was hit with a minor stroke of genius.
I'm one of those guys who thinks car washes are a WASTE OF MONEY. I NEVER wash my car.
So I got the idea to write WWW.FREEZEFRAMERADIO.COM accross the back of my car in the dirt (like people would normally write "wash me").
Would you beleive in two days I've had two people ask me what the site is all about already?
Who knows how many people have been driving behind me and thought to themselves "Hmm, dubya dubya dubya dot freeze frame radio dot com huh? I'll have to check that out" before careening off the road due to their inattentive driving.
So anyway. If anyone else out there is a dirty car driver, would you consider writing our web address accross the back of your trunk to help us advertise?!?!?! We'll even cover the cost of the non-car wash!!!!