Jeremy Riggs had found that his station hadn't been running smoothly lately. He wondered who was responsible for all of the off the air breaks. He had checked everything in the station. His server was up and he knew his bills were paid. Then he decided to go around back and check all the connections outside. He found an evil little rabbit chewing at the cords. The rabbit just looked at him and laughed. It wasn't even scard. Who sent you? Jeremy asked...
It was then that Jeremy notice the small antenna sticking out of the rabbits neck.
Immediately he realized he had serious trouble on his hands. He knew only one person that had the technological capabilities to create such a monster. It was Dovetails!
Years before, at a station Christmas party, Dovetails had far too much to drink, and was going on about how one day he'd build a robot army that would be capable of taking radio stations off the air one by one. His intention was to destroy all free broadcast radio, thereby increasing the value of the three shares he bought in Sirius Satellite radio. He stood to make tens of dollars, and it appeared he had finally activated the plan that everyone thought was nothing more than the drunken ramblings of a madman.
Jeremy knew his only hope of thwarting this evil plan was to enlist the ONE listener that could defeat Dovetails.
He flipped open his cell phone and placed the call...
"Ello!", the velvety smooth tone of Utilmo's UK accent was a calming influence to Jeremy's soul.
"Ya hey, der, Alteemo! It's Jeremy! Ya know, from M'waukee 'Sconsin"
"How are you, me ol' china! To what do I owe the joy of your call?"
"I need your help," said Jeremy, his tone conveying his urgency, "Dovetails has gone through with his mad scheme and created those robots that we thought were just drunken babble. He had a Cyborg Rabbit attack the infrastructure of the station and now we're off the air!"
"I figured if anyone could deal with 007 espianoge, and killer rabbits, it would have to be a Brit. A Brit with connections."
There was a long pause on the line, long enough to bridge the gap from Wisconsin to Engalnd. "I see," he said, finally, "I'm glad you came to me with this. I noticed the station going off, thought you had taken down to do a 'Jane' purge. It appears we have a much greater problem."
Jeremy had station business in New York the day after next.
"How about if we meet in that second hand book shop in Manhattan. Do you know which one I mean?"
"I do," Ultimo replied "But I hope you know that that shop has been under 'new ownership' if you know what I mean?"
"I havent been kept apprised of developments since I left my old 'firm'."
"But I do need your help my old friend. I will meet you at JFK on Thursday. Its very crowded and very public. Hopefully we can go undetected. I trust you will use every discretion?"
"But of course"
Jeremy realized he was placing his life in Ultimo's hands. But then again, hopefully Ultimo realized he was returning the favor for the special ops fiasco in 2002.