Hey Everyone. Checking in. sorry its been awhile. I hope to change that.
I have some news.
If you have not heard ( and most probably havent) I left Capital One in January to work for the governement side of BLue Cross Blue Shield in Oklahoma. We were "The Place" eveyone else in Blue Cross wanted to come to. I love my job and had wanted to make a carreer of it.
They informedus at a meeting at 10 am that they are shutting our department down. in OKlahoma and moving it to Abilene TX. over a period of 6 months.
This will not effect any of the other plans. They informed us its a business decision. Most of us went to the Full Moon Cafe and drank yesterday as they sent us home early to let it all sink in. I will be ok. I am looking even tho we wont be gone till October 2nd at the earliest.
Anyways. I need to get to work I love you guys and I will see you all soon
WOW, Thumo! I'm sure sorry to hear you are being forced out of a great job. Best wishes to you with the hunt. There are still opportunities out there. I hope something you will love as much will come along quickly. I'll keep you in my T's & P's.
Hope everybody has a good day. Its gonna be mice for me... WFH! YAY!!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Today is the boy's last Thursday of summer break. He's both excited to get back to school and nervous about moving to a different school at the same time.
Well, the Phillies were trying to help them out this week. They won two and the third game is this afternoon. Lee is pitching so I am thinking they can win again. If the Phils can carry over a little offense from last night, the Cubbies are going down!
That reminds me, I think it is about game time.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Hey Everyone. Checking in. sorry its been awhile. I hope to change that.
I have some news.
If you have not heard ( and most probably havent) I left Capital One in January to work for the governement side of BLue Cross Blue Shield in Oklahoma. We were "The Place" eveyone else in Blue Cross wanted to come to. I love my job and had wanted to make a carreer of it.
They informedus at a meeting at 10 am that they are shutting our department down. in OKlahoma and moving it to Abilene TX. over a period of 6 months.
This will not effect any of the other plans. They informed us its a business decision. Most of us went to the Full Moon Cafe and drank yesterday as they sent us home early to let it all sink in. I will be ok. I am looking even tho we wont be gone till October 2nd at the earliest.
Anyways. I need to get to work I love you guys and I will see you all soon
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.