I woke up too early this morning after staying up late last night. And I just hemmed a dress with a ruffle that was a pain to do. So now I'm grumpy and want a nap. But I have a Caps for Cancer meeting that I don't want to go to. Unfortunately, I've gotten too involved not to go.
Well, I was wrong. Apparently you can start the cause, schedule the meetings, and not go to them without letting anyone know you wouldn't be there, because I was the only one who showed up! The girl who's idea this was in the first place, the girl who started the group, didn't show! I'm a little mad. I think I'm not going to worry about this as much, and start dedicating my time to a cause that I'm more passionate about.
Mornin' e'body. My first night off went a bit odd. I wound up being up until almost 5 anyway and then slept today until 1 PM.
Last night I started the process of trimming the playlist down for the eventual switch-over to a hobby station.
Don't worry though, initially all I did was remove songs that NEVER got requested (I mean literally, they had NEVER been requested) or songs that were rarely requested.
I'm kind of formulating a plan of what the station will sound and look like come fall. I'm sure it will be far different from what it is now and don't expect any or all of you to listen to it as much as you do now.
I'll probably do a sticky post soon that will be a spot you can check for updates on the future plans.