My dream job is kinda lame, but I enjoy building pc's. It must be the lack of O2 to get me to say that LOL. But I enjoy building specific pc's for people. Oh, the gods must think im crazy! ideal job. Although I'd love to be a brewmaster of my own beer, my ultimate job would be to work for the Milwaukee Brewers in some capacity. I think that would just be the greatest.
This year I'm hoping for a 500 season. I know the last stand against the Astros was hard, but our pitching is phenomenal...I believe one of the best in the NL.
The trades we made over the winter have paid off well, and I'm really confident we'll come out of this season well. Not 82 caliber, not this year. I'd like to see the full season where they kept up the ENTIRE season, not just the first or second half.
I'm still debating to see one of the Yankee games next week. One to cheer on my team, and 2 to heckle the yankees. It's not that I hate NY, but they deserve a good heckling.
They are really a young team, which explains the inconsistencies. If we are shooting for .500, then why not 82-80. Lets have a statistical winner.
The key is to stay close to .500, but throw in a few long winning streaks where the hitting and pitching are on the same page. After the all star break is where young teams falter because a long season can wear you down. I think this team learned from last year.
I completely agree with the Moeller problem. It's gotten worse and worse. I'd rather have Wes Helms play, and I have a really hard time with him.
The offense is so up and down it's unbelievable. How can we get 11 runs one day and 0 the next? It's the same FREAKIN team we're playing. Better pitcher or not from day to day, that inconsistency is ridiculous!!
Holy h..Helms just hit a triple! I'm shocked and pleasantly surprised!!
Helms has been hot lately. I'm happy for him. It was a shame he had to hurt himself on that crappy field in Puerto Rico.
I gotta disagree with you to a point Dylan. This team is not that young.
Jenkins is a veteran and he is one of the worst clutch hitters in the league. Moeller is a veteran who has just inexplicably lost his stroke (I really like him too, but this is getting to be too much).
The youngest players, guys like Overbay and Hall are doing a decent job.
I honestly have to wonder if Butch Wyneger needs to go. I mean, you hate to put it on a coach, but look what Mike Maddux has done with the pitchers. He just finds the right fine-tuning in their mechanics and gets them to buy into his plan.
Our hitters do great when they're patient, but when they start pressing they fall on their face. Somehow we've got to get them to take each at bat individually and not press.
I'm really glad JJ Hardy has started to come around. I was feeling bad for him.
I'm with you Dylan on the 82-80 though. Why shoot for 500, let's win one more game!
Dylan's thinking is good. Over 500...even if it's just one game. That would be a great season. Maybe you're right on Wynegar. Maddux has done unbelievable thing with the pitchers. We'll have to see what this whole season entails.
Hardy-it is nice to see him hitting the ball. He is an amazing fielder for as young as he is.
And Helms- I have a friend who went to a game 2-3 weeks ago, completely ripped on Helms, and ever since, Helms has been hitting the ball like no other. I guess the ripping helped.
Well, I guarantee you Helms REALLY wants to start hitting.
His contract is over this year and if he has any hope of getting some cash somewhere else he's GOT to prove he's returned to form.
The one thing that he still hasn't brought back is his power. But the last week or so he's been cranking a lotta doubles and now the triple, so he's getting there.
It's got to be hard when you're sharing time with two other guys for one position.
And who would have though Cirillo would have come on so strong this year!! Unbelievable. I know Helms wants to keep hitting. Though being a benchwarmer and getting paid what he's getting paid wouldnt' be a bad way to go through life.
An Dylan- this pace of posting for me is few and far between. I'll never be able to compete with Mz Hartz and Star. Just not gonna happen.
I know. I should have held off, but this was really the only week I could take the vacation, and I had to use it by July 1st or I'd lose it, and that wouldn't be cool.
The fact that the brewers are out of town really cheeses me, but I'll get over it.
Thankfully, I see it's supposed to be spectacular out all week, so I've got that going for me.
Aaaaaaaaaaah, Gotta take what you can get. That makes sense.
This new job I have is kind of crappy that way. I was excited to find out I get one day off for every month I work, right from the start.
But they "close" days when too many people are off, and I swear to God EVERY Monday and Friday for the next five months are already closed.
That means I couldn't take a whole week off I couldn't, and if I wanted a long weekend I'm out of luck (which I'm sure is why they're closed, because everyone wanted to use their days that way).
One more peice of evidence in my case AGAINST working for the man. I MUST GET BACK TO SELF-EMPLOYMENT I MUST!
You really need to get back to that, especially since you were used to it. Plus.we all miss you during the day! This whole "working for the man" thing is not good for the listening public.
Man, I hate having to work so I can pay bills. Lame.
man I am SOOO OUT OF THE LOOP WITH THE BREWERS!!! Just haven't dug in this year. I ALMOST went yesterday, then Riggs threw on the jazz for the all day jazz fest right about noon, and I knew I HAD to stay put to make sure everything sounded and worked ok!! What a labor of love!!!
WOW Somechick! your first full week off in a decade!! Might I suggest:
Go for a walk along the lakefront!
Take a drive up Appleton Avenue and just keep going! If you stick with it long enough; you'll eventually end up in or near Fond Du Lac; and its a beatiful ride in any season with relatively little trafic!
Find Jacobus Park in Wauwatosa (Just south of 68th and State). There is an open space by the river, just across from the pavilion, which is probably the most beautiful spot in all of Southeastern Wisconsin. I go and sit there every chance I get!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
This job is the perfect alibi and cover as you work behind the scenes to become a Dr Evil-type maniacle dictator hell bent on global domination. Stick to your gameplan buddy. the REAL truth behind the job comes out. I'd stick with that for the whole world domination thing.
And JD, thanks for those ideas. I will truly keep that in mind. For living down by the lake, I rarely stop to enjoy it. And the drive up to Fon du Lac sounds like a definite plan.
Did I ever tell the board about the time I saw Charlie Moore on the National Street bus heading back to West Allis?
My cousin and I went to see a Brewer game, and after it we were on the West Bound bus heading up National Avenue to go home.
We were sitting near the front of the bus, and we saw Charlie Moore sitting on the back seat. He wasn't in uniform of course, but he was wearing a blue t-shirt, similar to the shade the Brew Crew was wearing (back in the days of the ball and glove logo).
My cousin and I were talking back and forth about how that might be Charlie Moore (we were dumb kids, we actually thought maybe Moore caught the bus after the game) when the guy starts screaming at as from the back of the bus.
We were shocked to say the least. Then some other adults started telling the guy to shut up, that we weren't doing anything but minding our own business, and he started arguing with them.
My cousin and I got off the bus about three stops early.
In hindsight, I don't think it was Charlie Moore I sure am glad we didn't approach the guy for an autograph!