Glenn Beck (Fox News) is going to be good this week. He has dug into Obama's czars and is going to expose all the connections with ACORN, etc.
For example . . . one of Obama's czars was arrested for rioting during the Rodney King incident. But, when a senior citizen stands up in a town hall meeting and demands accountability, the liberals label him as an "angry mob" . . . and the liberal media spins it as such. This same czar is also a SELF PROCLAIMED COMMUNIST, and yet Obama is looking to this guy for leadership advice for our country? That is just one example.
I dare, the open minded, free thinkers to watch Beck this week with a truly open mind and consider the evidence that will be provided. I double dog dare ya.
Glen Beck - a cross between Glenn Campbell and Jeff Beck!
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
It seems the White House has implemented another program. Its called "Insults for Answers". So far, the White House has only replied with insults and with orders that the "czars" no longer be called "czars". They have contacted Beck directly, but they made no attempt to answer any of the above questions, nor have they refuted any of the claims he is making . . . just insults.
That just amazes me. Rather than calling us stupid rednecks, why don't they just answer the questions and show us the flaws in these claims? Makes me think there may be some truth to these findings.
Where we are going right now, is not law making through our elected officials. These things are being done by Obama's hand chosen "czars". They have direct access to the president, and they have been given the power to make these decisions. The backgrounds on many of these czars is frightening. The videos of these people's speeches and quotes from their own writings tells the whole story of where they are taking us.
THIS is what is going on right now. Consider this and see for yourself if this is not indeed the truth:
- These bills and programs are being made purposely complex and huge so they are impossible to understand in a timely manner.
- The urgency in pushing these bills through is to overwhelm the system. Since the system is overwhelmed with so much information from so many huge programs all at once, and our leaders don't have time to even read the bills, the party majority is just trusting that the President's people know what they are doing and are willing to proceed without question. The legislation don't know what is in the bills because they didn't write them . . . the special interest groups lead by these czars are creating these bills.
The amount of power and control this administration is gaining is staggering. The government is very close to taking control OVER THE PEOPLE of this nation. Isn't is supposed to be the other way around here in America? Aren't the people supposed to decide what the government does?
You are free to call me a redneck, truck driving, gun toting, Jesus loving, dumbazz if you want, but at the end of the day, none of that changes what is going on. If Insults rather than answers is the best we're going to get, I hope more and more Americans will wake up and see that for what it is. The truth will eventually be exposed with time one way or another.
If nothing else, at least ask yourself exactly what kind of change it is that you wanted, and check to see if this administration is indeed taking you toward that change. Do you want change for change's sake, or do you want to change for the better? If its for the better, shouldn't we slow down, actually read these bills, study these programs, and be as sure as we can that these things are indeed for the better?