I got this topic from a local talk-radio show and was truly amazed at the division among the callers on the issue. I was truly curious what the forum members would think.
When answering I think it's important that you point out if you are a parent or not, as it may seriously affect your view.
The question is this...
A local little league team, full of seven to nine year old boys, has aquired sponsership from the Hooters restaurant/sports bar chain.
As a result of course, these children would be playing with the Hooters logo on the back of their jersey.
Considering Hooters is basically a Sports Bar & Grill, and one that specifically gears itself to men who want to see well endowed women in tight t-shirts and short shorts, is this an appropriate sponser?
Why, or why not?
As a note, this has become an issue because several parents have pulled their kids from the team.
The league however says sponserships are hard to come by and they need to accept them whenever they can.
The sponser pays for all the uniforms and in some cases throws in money for some equipment.
Sounds like a well-played advertising card on Hooters part, knowing the fallout that would occur. I'm disappointed mostly that they would see the resulting dropout rates and upset parents as necessary damage to get some headlines. But that's just my humble opinion. Bummer for the kids involved! Unless they get a Hooters cheerleader squad.
Absolutely not and I'm not a parent but I've taken 10 year olds to Hooters (bad idea) and you can't take these little boys to their sponsor to celebrate! There's one reason.
That's totally sad that people just want the money and don't care about the bars underlying premise. Sports BARS shouldn't be sponsoring kids anyway can't they get a hotdog joint or something. I mean afterall it is a bar!
I'm not a parent, and I agree that probably colors my opinion. Hooters is a bar and grill, and there is no nudity, and there are other bar and grills that sponsor little league teams who encourage their watresses to dress just as skimpy, it's just not in the name of the restuarant. Now, I wouldn't blame the league for not accepting them as a sponsor, because there are many parents who would disagree, and attendance at games and participation would drop. I can't believe Hooters would think it would be a good marketing technique to sponsor a little league team instead of maybe an adults softball team, just because it wouldn't hit their target audience as much.
This is a classic case of "But I didn't mean it that way!" defense. Sorry folks, but decisions have consequences. Everybody knows what Hooters is and what they're famous for, and hiding behind the screen of "helping the community" doesn't change that. They played there hand on this one and it backfired.
I guess there just targeting the future customers! you got to get them early!
Only joking, but in a way its not aimed at the children at all, the sponsor is for the people watching the games and Im not big on your crazy sports over there but im guessing that most the audience is adults.
All I know is that I do not patronize any of those types of business. After fathering a daughter, my entire view of things like Hooters, Playboy etc has changed. Nothing would break my heart more than to know my daughter participated in something like that. She is just turning 13 and for me to watch these changes happening to her, the fights we have over what she wants to wear to school. I just could not sanction Hooters being a sponsor.
But most of the audience at little league games are soccer moms (or in this case, baseball moms), which isn't really the target audience for Hooters customers.
I agree with you, I think they sponsership is intended for the spectators, which will be mostly the parents of these children.
But that kind of makes it even more questionable in my mind,
I mean really, how many people stop to watch a pee wee league game? It's not something the average person gets up on a saturday and says "Gee, I think I'll go down to the park and catch some Pee Wee baseball". (I'm sure there's a few people that actually do that, but not many).
Generally the only people watching are going to be parents, and the occassional aunt, uncle, granparent, etc.
If I were looking to spend advertising dollars, I would think this would be the group of people MOST LIKELY to be offended by the fact our logo is on the back of their children, and as a result I may be alienating just as many if not more potential customers than I'm enticing.
I agree with you JR, but at the end of the day the fact that we are all talking about it shows that its worked, its made people talk about hooters and I guess thats what they were really after all the time anyway!
That's just it - this had nothing to do with the league or the park - this has to do with free advertising on the radio - people discussing it, free advertising via the newspaper. It seems negative but in reality it's not. Isn't there some saying about news is news?
I tend to believe this is another overblown non-issue. Jeremy, when my kids played soccer and basketball the sponsor didn't mean anything to the kids. They were happy to have a uniform and play. You know if parents just let the kids play and not make an issue of the sponsor no one would care. If Hooters required the team to visit as a part of the sponsorship, I wouldn't agree with that. Personally, if I were the coach or manager I would not take the kids to the restaurant. We could do carry out or something like that.
To add some fuel to this fire. What if one of the parents worked there and got the sponsorship? I know a lot of the leagues where I live encourage the parents to help with sponsorship. I couldn't pull my kid off the team because someone stepped up to find a sponsor. If the parents were that upset why didn't they band together and sponsor the team themselves? It's easy to point the finger but there usually is another soultion.
I agree Ray. It's one thing to support your kids activities, but parents have really been blowing things out of proportion lately. For example, what about the parents who beat up and yell at the umpires? Just let the kids play baseball and be kids, who really cares who sponsors them, as long as they've got uniforms and balls and bats.
Also, it's normally the local businesses that sponsor the teams, so it's probably the local Hooters franchise that's pitching in. (No pun intended.) I wonder what corporate thinks of it.
Let me ask you all this though. And I'll admit, I'm playing Devil's Advocate to a degree here, but I think the question is legitimate.
What are we opening the door to when we start lettings taverns or sports bars like Hooters sponser a 9 year old baseball team?
What if you live in the town where Phizer Drugs has their main facility. Would you allow your kids to wear Levitra or Viagra advertisements on the back of their jersey? How about Trojan condoms?
In this litigious society, is it that far of a reach to say that at some point one of these companies (forgiving the fact they are so big they would never bother with a little leage team) would insist the league take their advertising or threaten a lawsuit?
Maybe a more reasonable comparison would be the local sex shop on highway 9, or the adult video store in town?
Where's the dividing line? These are all legitimate, legal businesses. None of which would normally specifically advertise to children, but then neither would a sports bar.
I dunno, I feel there is a fine line between ignoring issues and blowing them out of proportion - isn't that what parenting is all about? Picking your battles? I do think that there are a lot of parents out there who pick battles for self-serving purposes, to look like the good, protective parent, regardless of whether what they're doing has any real effect (or possibly even a counter-effect). But then you can't turn a blind eye to the snickering in the dugout about what Hooters really represent, and how cool they're team is compared to the Mighty Tornados sponsored by Jeb's Trophy Shop that they're playing against.
My daughter's softball league doens't have a sponsor this year, and the parents are fine with the cost of the outfits. I'd pay for the outfits before I'd put Big Pecker's Bar & Grille on her jersey.
You just did something I couldn't do all day yesterday, come up with a proper Euphamism (sic?) for the male equivelant of this.
I was thinking yesterday, can you IMAGINE how different this would be if it were a girls soccer team and they had a logo on their back for (as you say) Big Peckers Bar & Grill, sure the logo would be a woodpecker, but his beak would clearly be ridiculously long and meant to conjure images of something else. And it would be well known that to be a server at the Woodpeckers you have to be well endowed and wear very tight shorts.
Yesterday, all the Euphamism's I could come up with were too legitimate, I mean "Dick's Bar & Grill" doesn't really suggest anything other than the fact Dick owns a bar and grill. Every other one I thought about didn't work, but yours is perfect.
It really makes you have to look at the issue in a different way.
I was going through your message saying, Phizer, Viagra? Sure! But then when you got to Trojan, I immediately said no. The same with adult book stores. So that's very true, where is the line? I think I said okay to Hooters or Viagra because the kids wouldn't understand and wouldn't have to to wear those jerseys. If this kids ask what it is, it's easy to say it's a bar or a medicine. But, what would you say when the kids ask what Trojan is? It's a hard question, where is that line, and how would you justify telling Trojan no after telling Hooters yes without getting in a difficult situation?
I'm gonna try to walk that fine line between too much talk and just the right amount. But I won't always get it right
I know when I started planning for the morning show I was thinking I'd let you guys in on my breakfast every morning by eating it on-air and telling you what gourmet treat I'd whipped up that day, but then I though "nah, that would be cruel". I remember how many times I used to rush off to work without breakfast
I think it also makes a difference on your personal views about nudity and sexuality. Personally, I think Hooters is okay, but something like Big Peckers, or Tight Pussies definately isn't.
Wait! ACK! That's might be advertising on Jeremy's station! Feel free to remove Jeremy if Ive overstepped the bounds of advertising and maybe less importantly, decency!
There is a line that can't be crossed but I don't think Hooters is on that side of it. Maybe right up to it but for me it doesn't cross it.
I understand that others feel it's way over. If someone pulls their child off the team I can understand their position. They are the parent and have to do what they feel is right or comfortable with. I don't have a problem with that.
Now here's one on me. I would guess that it was maybe a year or so after Hooters opened in town before I realized what the owls eyes were (anyone else want to fess up on this). I'm not that naive but I never made the connection.
I guess the thing that I have been noticing is that all too often what was once unacceptable soon becomes someone's right or considered the subject of intolerance. Slippery slope.
Kids today have to grow up quick enough and anything parents can do to slow that process down has exponentially positive effects .