You are correct, Kudos to Ray as well. And, yes, an "influence" nod to you as well. My acid reflux wouldn't be the same without you. (Where's my Preperation H, come to think of it?)
Hey! I'm slow on the draw! (duh) I recognized that logo on the site with your pic, but didn't think about you being at a church event! What an example we're setting. Two good church goin' members trading the sharpest barbs!
Well, if your in the Northern Illinois area for any reason, you have a standing invitation to Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington. We have a fantastic ministry aimed at "twenty-somethings" called Axis. Check for Willow Creek Assosiation Churches in Florida.
Enough nicey-nicey. Your still a big poo-poo head!
Oh, sorry! Forgot the update. JennyCat take note! My dentist said I should get a Gold Star! Everything looked good, and some past "bad signs" seem to be reversing themselves. I recommend daily flossing (although it is NO fun) and Listerine.
no, i was bad for a long time and put off going for too long. and i didn't used to floss as much as i should. i do now though and will continue. i'm sure i can have good teeth if i just keep at it....
Ah, hold on there "Star"-struck. Jenny leaked out some info on another thread that she had been a bit lax in her dental care. We ALL do that, hence my saying that some old troubles are improving. I was shocked to see how my teeth have improved the last couple of years with only a little persistance.
So you want to bust my chops? BUST AWAY! Mine can take it!
Man are you weak today. There is no challenge to this!! your icons do nothing to the power of the star! The overuse of the batman is just making you looking like a DORK!! Sorry, but that what you look like, Wuf Ter.
Oh, come on! You make a crack about my "mug" when I don't even use one in my avatar! That's a slow pitch softball if ever I was thrown one! I figured I'd just tap it down the line instead of going for a base hit. Now the "Yuppie" crack on the other thread, THAT'S got some teeth!
In fact, I submit that we jump off of one thread and concentrate on the other. That one was Dylan's and we got it off track.
Did you notice how nicely Ultimo and MZ are playing on their thread? I think we need counseling, Star.
Wef- If only we had something real to post about then we wouldn't have to joust so much. But it is just that we are so different that makes it so fun or are we quite similar w/ small differences..hmmm. Something to ponder. Why is it that everyone is afraid of me but no one says I'm afraid of that Rapture? I dont' get that. Oh, btw is it okay that I'm posting on this thread Mr. Tur?
So what kind of counseling? Posters counseling? You're funny.
Oh, wow! We ARE in trouble, Star. Mz used her MOM voice on us! Guess we haven't been setting a good example for the newbies. Don't feel bad about nobody claiming to be scared of me. I think it's because that for all my bluster, everybody can still tell that I'm full of hot air!
We need input from other members! Star and WFTR don't own the boards! We can share our toys!