Alright Star, thanks. Good to know it's not just the "button" that keeps me on your good side.
You know Sparky, I DO have the ability to give anyone in the forum almost all the powers I have, INCLUDING the right to ban other members.
Hmmm, this could become quite lucrative! I could auction off "Moderator for a day" privelages, and see how high WFTR would be willing to go for the thrill of banning Star for just one day!
But I wouldn't do that to Star, because I'm on her GOOD list
Damn! Sparkel, you're going to beat me to 500! Shall I start your thread now or are you gonna slack until 5pm like some other dork. I'm dedicating you a song now.
I appreciate your acknowledging my athletic prowess, but did you have to relegate me to a character that was only on a three show arc and winds up being killed off?
and 3) How dare you use the "arc" term as though it were your own? Why the only arc you knew of was JOANS before I brought you up to speed on the entertainment lingo!
Now, that all having been said. Eddie Lebeck was a GREAT character! Until that last season when he wound up doing the circus on ice in a mascot costume or something like that.
Hey, if I'm not mistaken, weren't you run over by a Zamboni?
We agreed never to speak of the zamboni incident! The driver looked suspiciously like you however. Keep in mind there is no statute of limitations for attempted murder.
Yes..its true, JR has to wax his legs. He wore shorts one time and I couldn't tell. His legs were so hairy I thought he was wearing courdoroys. He started a small fire from the friction and from that day forward, he vowed to do whatever it took to remain fur free.
We go way back. I saved your life on so many occasions, the paper doesnt even write about it any more. I mean, how may keys to the city can one man use? I am not saying you werent worth saving. So in return, I am just asking you to remember to forget where the ban button is.
You haven't know Dylan as long as I have. We've been friends since the early 90's, and I can tell you, if I don't set the guidlines now everyone will pay for it later. EVERYONE!
Ask him about the "parking brake incident of '97" and you'll understand what I mean!
I would never abuse my power on the rest of you, but Dylan requires constant supervision.
For the record, I am being censored by Mr Riggs. I keep posting responses and he keeps censoring my witty barbs. Its like the Forum was moved to Red China.