ok, and yes. we can do the galxy ones next. even though i hate monty python too. wait, if we hate that stuff, why are we voting for it to be next?
well i guess it is probably good, i mean it's popular and everything so ya, i'm definately willing to check it out...
so: can our assignment be to get the book (Straight Man) and read through chapter 5 or something and discuss on Monday? i don't know how these things work.
And personally, although the comedy is British, I think Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is funnier than Monty Python. I think even if you don't like Monty Python, it's very possible you'll still like Hitchhiker's.
I am a follower, not so much a leader. Straight Man will be fine. I will read whatever is the majority vote. Do you discuss books in sections or as a whole? I may have to make notes or something since I forget things easiliy. Although, with the holiday Monday, I will not be in the office and I am not sure I will have a chance to check-in while at home.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
We can discuss it as we go, but probaly discuss it once a week in manageable chunks, so people dont have to feel rushed or pressured to read. It is supposed to fun, not feel like another deadline. God knows we all have enough of those.
I think we have to impose not a deadline, but a restriction on when you can talk about what. Because some people will be ahead of others and may ruin the story for anyone who's not there yet.
Being a holiday weekend, let's make the first assignment be getting the book. I know I'm pretty busy w/ holiday stuff, so getting it is do-able but reading would be tough.
For Ultimo, it is Memorial Day weekend here in the colonies. A holiday to remember those who died in the military. No one is working on Monday.
Someone who knows Trish, should private message her. She is the writer of the group. Maybe she would like this and she would have a lot to offer. Can someone invite her?