did i ever tell you that you have a nice earth? Now keep up, buddy ol' pal?
PS what constitutes being nice. constantly kissing your butt or just not ripping on you. because my natural attitude is a little sassy especially when I'm racing like this.
Cool! That's really hard. I tried it once at the (get this) mall! I was wearing boots, though. yeah, that's the reason I couldn't get to the top. so, where'd D go. He took the challenge out of this!
Yeah, I don't have nearly enough mass to go through, so up 'n over it must be! Of course, there was the time that my computer hand condition decided to kick-in when I was half way up and I couldn't get any grip. I hung from the belay line like a sack of wet laundry. Quite embarrassing.
It's not quite carpal-tunnel, it affects my ring and pinkie fingers on my right hand (the mouse hand). It actually originates in my elbow and if it flares-up, my whole forearm is pretty useless.
Fortunetly, it's not as bad as it sounds. Flare-ups are rare and simple stretching of the hand keeps it under control. I just happened to be on a climbing wall when a flare-up decided to hit! Thank God for belay lines.
WFTR, that's tendonitis. Pretty much just like carpal tunnel, but it affects different tendons. I went through all that research when I first started getting my carpal tunnel.
Mz are you gone? I had to do a restart. and I was bragging about my work computer. I forgot to knock on wood. Anyway, sister. It's been nice being goofy w/ you. have a fun weekend!