Everyone has at least one, a song that actually brings a tear to your eye. What does it for you and why?
Remember, if you post in this thread it may be read on air, so only share if you're ok with that.
PS. It doesn't of course have to make you literally cry, but you know what I'm talking about, getting choked up, holding it back. EVERYONE has had that happen, don't deny it!
I feel like this song is about my relationship w/ God. It's weird I know and it gives me goosebumps - sometimes tears, for real.
Then there are the songs that remind me of people - I said last week that "Fields of Gold" reminds me of my Grandma. Thats because it's on a mix cd we were listening to on the way to her funeral. I was just so sad. I feel like she's in these fields now at peace watching over me. And I think of her when I hear it. All right, I'm going to dedicate those songs and bask in my tears.
Sting - If I Ever Lose My Faith in You. My exboyfriend bought me this CD, and right after we broke up this song came on while I was grocery shopping, and for some reason it just got to me. I'm usually pretty strong about that stuff, especially since it wasa good breakup.
Also, one that's kind of cheesy, my friend used to be a Slaughter fan, and after their guitarist died, she got me crying about Fly to the Angels.
We lost a classmate my senior year of high school less than two months before graduation. We had several classes together and homeroom. She was a very nice and a smart person. She was diagnosed with Lukemia. The treatment hit her kind of hard and she had said she wasn't afraid to die. This song was played at her funeral and we just cried for what seemed like forever. It seemed like it was a long time before I heard the song again. But some time my freshman year of college the song came on and I just stood there and tears came to my eyes. It has been over 13 years but I still think about her every April.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Concrete Angel by Martina McBride. It's just terrible to me to think that the one place that's supposed to be a child's safest place is their worst nightmare. I don't understand how a grown up can displace their own anger onto someone so small and innocent.
I can sometimes get through the song on the radio, but never when it's on CMT.
My daughter was in the Color Guard and Winter Guard in high school. Two years ago one of the girls in the guard was killed in a car accident. We had several pictures of Abbey and the other girls in the guard so I put a slide show together and made a CD for all that wanted it. I used Only Time and it didn't "hit" me until I finished it and watched it. Her family was very happy I did it. They said they found it therapeutic.
What was really weird when I made it I used all the pictures I could find. I set the time for each slide and let it play figuring I would have to edit a few pictures. However, the song ends with the last picture perfectly. So I think I had so help from a higher source.
My wife and I lost a child at the 6 month mark during her pregnancy. The baby had too many health problems and died in the womb. This song was the hit song at the time, and I now associate this song with her and wonder what she would have been like.
Fortunately, we have 4 other healthy children that we have been blessed with.
OM-Gosh! SOOOOO many songs that bring up emotions! One came on yesterday that always rips mut gut up, however. It's called "He's My Son" by Mark Schultz (Christian artist). It's about a parent praying for a dying son. He manages to captue the anger and the helplessness so powerfully. Really brings focus to believing in God, but still being upset and angry when you just don't understand.
this is so bad, but i always get choked up over Celine Dion. I KNOW. once she was on Oprah singing the titanic song and i totally cried. and that "i dorve all night" song.... man, it just gets to me. i don't own any of her stuff, but when i hear them, i'm always like "oh no..."
I have to mention the Butterfly Kisses song as well. I didn;t think much of the song when it was a hit, but we had boy/girl twins 15 months ago. A few months later, we went to the wedding of our good friend, and they played that song. My wife and I were both in tears, picturing me/us doing all the things in the song with our daughter.
Another song is Friends by Michael W Smith. As I've mentioned in other threads, our niece was killed in a car accident this February on her 18th birthday. At her funeral service, they played that song. I doubt I'll be able to listen to it the same ever again.
Another powerful song is The Meeting by Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, and Howe. They used to be part of Yes, and they put out an album int he late80s/early 90s. The Meeting is such a wonderful song.
Must chime in for "Butterfly Kisses" as well. My two girls REVEL in me choking back tears when we are at a Daddy/Daugter dance and they play that song.
Don't evenget me started on the "Think of the future......" stuff!
I usually feel like a big wuss for getting emotional about that song. But it's such a touching story of love.
The lines that really get to me are in the second verse where he tells the mugger to take his watch that his grandfather gave hime, and in the third verse when he falls to his knees and prays.
Like I said, just a really vivid story painted. And nicely turned around from the start, which is really how most boys feel at age 7!!!! Ick! Girls!
Dylan wrote a song a couple years ago called GIVE ME A RING which follows a format similar to that McGraw song and I have BEGGED him to do whatever it takes to get it into Tim's hands.
I honestly do not doubt for a MINUTE that McGraw would turn Dylans song into a number one hit. His gravely voice is perfectly suited for the lyrics Dylan created.
I beleive he's planning on putting that song on their first CD, but I'm not sure.
My Dad was a truck driver for 30+ years, In 1987 he was driving for a company that picked up milk from dairy farms. It was one of those things just because there is a blizzard doesn't mean the cows stop producing milk. He headed out on a rarely traveled country road, lost control of his truck and rolled it. He spent a full day and night inside of his turned over truck in below 0 weather with no heat. he was found by snowmobilers the next day. He survived but it was the worst feeling in the world to have someone missing like that.
The song talks about a jacknifed rigg in a snowstorm. with the father missing.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I heard that one just the other day on the radio, Sparky. That is a great one, my daughter likes it a lot. She loves the country songs which tell stories.
(Sorry Riggs, I can't get my computer cable long enough for the truck!)
OK, I was going to remain quiet on this one, but the first time I heard Butterfly Kisses I was on my way back from the Hopsital. My youngest was very ill and in an oxygen tent. I was going home to shower and change clothes when that song came on. Lost it.
there is another that just about did it for me, don't recall the artist, "To Dance With My Father Again"