what is up with this guy? he's watching and not posting. I've called him out a bunch of times. I'm done. No more personal welcomes and invitations to post. If he doesn't post, isn't he outtie? I don't know. Riggs?
Thanks for the request to post. I guess I am dumb and do not know how you know that I am reading the forum every couple of days. I plan on being back into the forum in the next couple of weeks. I work at a college and I am very busy all year, except during summer school. I have been browsing the posts to keep up to date. I have not responded, because I was not ready to be a fulltime talker. However, I plan on it now. Also, I will come clean and tell you all that I am the one with all of the family problems. I SOOOOO appreciate everyone's support and prayers. I am leaving right now to go spend my lunch hour with my mother. She is in ICU in the hospital right across the street from where I work. I get chills when I think about Riggs and everyone here praying for me in my time of need. I will be back next week on a lighter note and hope to make some new friends! Everyone have a great and safe three day weekend, unfortunately I have to work on Monday, but that is good for Riggs!
Good to "hear" your voice Asisson! And don't ever feel embarrassed to call out for help! Like I said before, your need STARTED the Prayer thread! It has been the catalyst for a huge support network. Your still on our hearts and minds, please let you folks know that we're thinking about them.
Thanks Jeremy for reposting Icicle Works. You had inquired also about my family, thanks! My dad is doing amazingly well. I was so worried about the healing process, but it has been very quick. He started driving this week and has been working pretty regularly. He sells real estate, so nothing too strenuous. My mother is the same. We are still waiting on Medicare/Medicaid approval so that we can get her moved into a facility that can help her. She is still in the hospital. Between her pain (in the neck) and her blood pressure (it hovers around 60/40 to 90/60), she cannot go home. Which is actually a blessing because there really is nowhere she can go. My sister and I work and are not in a position to quit our jobs. She obviously needs 24 hour care. I still go everyday and take an hour and a half lunch break to go feed her and do her daily beauty routine. On the weekends, I drag my tv/vcr combo and bring a home cooked meal. We play beauty shop or something to lift her spirits. It is so strange, the role reversal, but has brought us very close. I feel such mixxed emotions when I leave there. We have hope still. If we can secure some funding, she can get moved to a better incare facility and be around people in her position and have a staff that is used to dealing with people like her. Where she is at now it is very hit and miss. Some staff are wonderful, however for the most part her caretakers are rude and lazy and the hospital is understaffed. There are days she will call for pain medicine and they will bring it to her two hours later. Also they will bring her meal and then say they will be right back, and then 1-2 hours later they come back and wonder why she does not want to eat. But I am praying everyday that she will be moved soon. She does not have health insurance and it can take up to six months to be approved for Medicaid! So those of you out there that believe in the power of prayer, please pray that her funding will come through soon. I know if she had more intensive care, she will have a better chance of regaining movement. Anyway, sorry for the downer...but Jeremy did ask.