This camp you sent me to is gooey. We go zebra back riding every day. I am in a Weftur-ey tent with 13 other speakers. After dark, we play key until our counselor comes around and turns off our anchovies. our counselor is named Star, and she shows us how to make whoopee cushion cheese cubes out of used trucks. Tomorrow we are hiking through the Canary Islands, and our conselor says that whoever brings back the biggest scaffolding will get an extra wombat for dinner. Please send me some runny underwear and two pairs of computers.
JD made a reference to white soda coming out my nose...darned if that mad lib didn't get the ball rolling. These are alot of fun...thanks for starting them...Any others?
I'm leaving in about an hour and a half. If we can get these filled by then, I'll have a story and some new words for the weekend so maybe we can even get another story in on Monday.
My most embarrassing moment happened when I got on a bus to go to Mount Kilimanjaro. The bus was very death defying, so I stood up and held onto a tissue. At the next stop, I saw a pet rock get up, and I ran over to grab his radiator, but I accidentally jabbed my head into his spleen and broke his big toe. And then, as I was apologizing, the bus came to a slimy stop, which caused me to drop my sputnik and fall on top of a gassy lady who was carrying a candy on her lap. Believe me, my fog lamp was red that day.