Hey, we're all FRIENDS here, right? So which FRIEND are you. Ya know the cast of loveable witty six co-stars - Monica, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, and Joey. This could be fun!
Make that non-fat milk in my cafe latte. Yes, we can have doubles. I think Dylan is more Chandler. But you know him better than I do. Does he look more like Heckles? Yikes!!
By the way- who did we make Riggs? How about Ross?
Riggs and I are duelling Chandlers if the truth be told, we just tease each other way to easily and way to often. They could do studies on the dynamics of our friendship. But it works and if it aint broke dont fix it.
Although I really don't think a person can necesarily choose this type of thing for themselves. I think the people who know you are more objective and able to put you into a character better.
BUT, I would say I'm about 75% Chandler and 25% Ross.
TRUTH be told, Dylan is the same, actually, he's probably 40% Ross and 60% Chandler, because while we both have that sarcastic sense of humor Dylan is more of a book-guy than I am. If it's not a biography or a non-fiction book I don't find myself being able to stay interested it. But Dylan is a big book guy, a little more studious (which comes from his years of college and time in law school) which gives him a bit more rossiness I would say. But he's got a great personality and an excellent sense of humor, so that makes him Chandleresque.
I was just giving him the "Heckles" treatment because he had the nerve to call me Gunther. I thought we had decided to play nice, but he insisted on throwing rocks again.
You have to control him better Star. Sometimes he gets out of control but I suspect he'll listen to you. I'm trying to be friendly with him on these baords, but he just refuses to play nice! The word TRUCE has no meaning to him
I love the show Friends (and pretty much have all of the episodes memorized, how sad am I?), but I don't know where I fit in there. I would have to say Phonica. I'm not altogether a Phoebe, but I'm not altogether a Monica. I'm definitely not a Rachel. And if it weren't for the whole pooping in the shoe thing, I would actually go with Marcelle.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I beg to differ, Ray compared you to Marlo Thomas, and that was a "That Girl!" reference. You made the connection to Rachel's mom. And that is just like Rachel's dad, totally taking over the situation.
Awesome thread....and as I am in the middle of Season 9 dvds (actually only have 3 eps to go before the agonizing wait for season 10)....I've thought about this...& I've got to be a lotta bit Chandler & a little bit Ross & a smodgen (smod-: rhymes with "mode", -gen: soft "g" like genetic, means very little bit) bit Joey. I guess that would make me a chandler-ross cross with a Joey topper.
Joey is the Male friend I'd most want to be( sensitive, lucky in love, blissfully unaware, poop doesn't stink, working in a profession he... & I... love,)
Like Joey...I'm also looking for My Rachel, but She has no interest in me at all (actuall no lady has interest in me at all right now...)
I so want to be the 7th friend...NOT with Actors Jen, Courtney, Lisa, Matt, Dave, & Matthew, but with The characters Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Ross, & Chandler...time to go live in fantasy world...