Ok, here's another Star inspired thread. Who has pets, what kind of pets and pet names?
We have a dog, half Maltese and half Yorkie named Ellie. She's 8 years old. We also have a cat named Daisy, she's 9.
Our family started naming pets alphabetically. My mom has a dog named Bailey, We use to have a dog named Chia. My sister has a dog named Frosty and our sister-in-law has a dog named Gus.
I don't remember who had 'A'. I think we started with Bailey.
No pets here. We are thinking about getting one when my daughter is potty trained. However, I have never had any luck with pets. My last dog kept runnning away after we had the baby- jealous I guess. He kept running to the vet's office, so you know he must have been desperate to get away. It was very sad, but I let the vet find him a home. The dog before that had to be put down. I had someone stalking me. They were sending me notes in my mailbox. Very detailed and disturbing notes. One day my dog jolted out the door and bit someone. He would not let go. Turns out he was the stalker. Unfortunately, the judge did not care. We had to pay a thousand dollar fine and they ordered the dog to be put to sleep. The guy moved after that. Anyway, I love pets, hate the hair, hate the vet bill and like I said my track record stinks!