Good evening, all! It has been chilly and partly cloudy here all day. Present temp 37* outside.
Happily I can report that I again have central heat in the house. Pays to have a friend who does heating & AC work. A small service fee later, the 2 former finches were removed from my exhaust vent pipe and all is good. I also learned my thermostat was about 4.5 degrees off, so I replaced it too.
Looking forward to a relaxing day of watching football tomorrow.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Other than lunch and groceries, we stayed inside all day.
The boy and I played a lot of "Dirt 2" racing. He's funny. Last night he was crying because he couldn't control the vehicles very well. Now today, he's doing better with it and he thinks he's totally "bad".
I've been feeling a cold coming on the last few days. I kind of thought something was up because I was sleeping more than normal. Then last night the sore throat and um, drainage, kicked in. I'm sure tomorrow I'll have a full-on cold.
But I stopped at Walgreens and started myself on the Zicam, so maybe I'll reduce the duration of it.
Meanwhile I've spent a good portion of the day playing Grand Theft Auto IV. I must be really juvenile because I laugh out loud more at this game than I do anything I see on TV.
For some reason when I'm speeding along at about 100 MPH and I hit some immovable object causing my character to go flying out the windshield screaming only to tumble into a broken mess it makes me laugh EVERY SINGLE TIME. Since it usually doesn't kill me I've actually taking to stopping that way on purpose. A quick and easy exit from the vehicle. Well. Maybe not "easy".
So far I'm only 18 percent through the game and it bums me out because I'm dying to unlock the other side of the city which looks like manhatten. But everytime I struggle to pass a level I wind up spending have an hour just racing through the city for fun.
I have a feeling I caught it early enough that it won't be an issue.
I hope not. I'm getting a reputation at the new job as not being there much :( In the last six months I've been sick for two days, had to ask for two days for Jury Duty, been off for six days with the ankle inury, taken a weeks vacation and four individual vacation days.