Lets see if I can throw one out there...
"...but when this is over, you are gonna owe me a big favor"
"What favor?"
Ding Ding Ding
Good job Dave
Here is mine,
"Yeah, we danced, we danced our a#&es off"
This one should be easy.
"Hi! This is car....what car are we?"
"5, 5."
"This is car 55. We're in a truck!"
Yous gaaat it, Daaaave. Yourrrrr turrrrn.
Wef-Go w/ his quote from above!
Dave-I thought that was a quote but I just wanted to mess w/ you.
my guess-Short Circuit
I'm recognizing it, but it escapes me, which is to say, I have nothing to add here.
Wasted post! Is it from a commercial, Dave?