O.K. There are so many new threads that I will have to wait until the weekend to read them all, one of them has over ten pages! Geez, people! So I'm starting a new one and unfortunately, it's inspired by true life experience.
So here's the question...What the weirdest sneezing experience you have ever had?
Just this morning I was working right along and had just poured a bunch of sunflower seed kernels in my mouth (can't have the shells on them, I'm not that talented) and this sneeze hit me. Sooooo glad we have cubes. As it is, my cube wall looked like one of those cartoons where the bees attack and the character jumps behind the door and their stingers get stuck in the door. Yeah, not pretty. What a mess. So, I'm sharing my embarrassment and laughing about it and moving on.
What about y'all?
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.