Confuzzed- I'm sooo sorry you got yelled at by the big boss for no reason. That sucks! We're all here for you if you need to vent. You don't deserve that crap. You're a good tax girl.
Thanks for the support Star. It just left me all at the same time. You know? If I had won the big lottery a few weeks back I would have told him right then that I have four words for him "F you. I quit." And then hung up the phone, packed my box and walked out the door. But alas, we are all poor. That is why we sit in a cubicle all day. It just makes it worse that it ended up all being for nothing.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I figured the XXX thread was harmless, but I resisted on principle! Just call me Capt. Stuffed Shirt. I did look to see what was up with Confuzzed.
Stand tall, Confuzzed! It seems like many managers these days practice what I have heard called "Seagull Managing". They fly in, swoop around, make a lot of noise, crap on everything, and swoop out. Just enough so that when they get back around to the point where you already are, they can convince themselves that it was their doing.
Ah, such is life. That's why my teasures are stored in Heaven!
Hey! Made me think of a good joke! Give me 5, and check out the joke thread.
Well, he is the President and CEO of the company. Sometimes he jumps too fast. Especially when this has nothing to do with the taxes and that is upposed to be my main job. I think i just need to drink this evening. Barkeep! Set 'em up! It is dart night, so I guess I better be careful or those darts may end up somewhere else.
And a round for my friends!
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Confuzzed, just remember that if you drop a dart, let it fall, don't try to catch it. I did that once. I had hit the top of the dartboard and had to stand on my toes to get it, but I didn't get a good grip, and I just knocked it off instead. So I reached out with my other hand to let the dart fall into my hand. It would've been a nice save if darts didn't fall point down! That hurt.