Sweet Star of Night hath set forth upon these hallowed threads that which should make men of noble sinew, nah, crowned heads of kingdom shake to the marrow in the dark light of trecherous tyranny!
Did she, in faintest glimmer of dream, percieve not foul rampage that such folly would flood through the streets and gutters of soul and heart? Yeah, I believe that not just percieve, but embrace and entice into action was her design, such that this plaugue now becomes Thread's Bain, with no impending borders seen on any a hopeful horizon.
Behold! The infectious call of silliness and sophmoreic prank hath already wrought control of my QWERTY limb, and ishueth forth from me all manner of Shakesperian drool! And most ruinous fate of all be that my ramblings now are underscored by Aqua's hellspawn lyrics!
Oh y one. I would have liked to hang today but it's been . I have to a lot of stuff on my desk. I'm just glad that has been here for you. Fridays should be but not today. The weekend is nearing I'm out early . I hope everyone has a ing good time this weekend!!
If he's in a contest w/ Dylan as to who can use the most emoticon's than it's close, but otherwise he is never going to beat him to 1000 with a long post like that. It must have taken him 5 min to do!
I must admitt it was very cute though. So Ray gets some quality pts. And as long as we are handing out pts. Lets' give one to Wef for that Shakespearian bit. Heck pts. all around for attendance on Friday. You guys are the best. Except for that goofy one - you know who you are... You're all thinking it's you. Okay, the avatarless one! He's strange!
I have tons of work sitting on my desk and have not gotten to post a lot lately and I kinda missed out on the whole MOO thing, but I'll throw one in anyway.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
Well when you are trying to go back 94 pages to the original Posts made by people no longer herre. and Its 2 in the morning you learn to celebrate the little things