I thought it would be interesting to discuss what it was that we wanted as a child for christmas or whatever and never got. This may be a sad discussion for some but who knows where it may lead.
For me it was a basket of kittens. I didn't see anything impractical about a basket of 5-8 kittens for a 7 year old. After all they were on my Trapperkeeper so why couldn't I have them in real life.
I don't have any sad Xmas stories... we always got what we asked for. Of course, netierh of us every asked for live animals. I think the weirdest thing I ever asked for AND got was a unicycle, which I never figured out how to ride.
It never mattered what we asked for, the neighbor kid was my age and we always asked for the same things for Christmas, Easter etc. The only difference was he was being adopted by his step-mother and he always got the expensive toys. That puts a damper on why Santy Clause doesn't like you as much.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
The only thing I never got was a miniature motorized car. As I got older, I realized that those things weren't cheap and understood why it didn't show up. I got a whole bunch of cool stuff that I still remember and the good memories FAR outway the dissapointments. The best had to be a clear plastic engine block that you could take apart and re-assemble. It had a hand crank like a Model "T" so you could make the pistons move.
As an adult I got a much deeper understanding of the reason for the season. Ain't nothin' better 'n that!
I don't remember not getting anything I asked for. I guess the two man sub was way out of line but than again I found out later it was a cardboard sub. We were the only grandkids on my mom's side of the family so we got spoiled by them. I remember after every Christmas grandpa telling us we'd better enjoy this one because next year he wasn't spending as much. Of course it was just as grand. He was actually the one getting the pleasure of watching us. But he had to play the gruff grandpa. Ah those carefree days....
You gotta love the gruff grandpa. I had one of those and my dad is one of those. Makes me smile just thinking about it.
I was really spoiled as a child. My mom grew up really poor and sought to make sure that her kids had everything that she didn't. We didn't have a lot of money growing up because my dad was enlisted military and there were three of us kids, but my mom always made sure that we had what we wanted. She would work any cleaning job to make sure that we had what we needed. My mom is tough as nails (and has a redheaded temper to boot).
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
Ultimo, I know what you mean, I feel guilty now too. There was a point where I no longer believed in Santa Claus, but I was still asking for stuff from Santa. It was usually board games or certain stuffed animals, but I still got what I asked for even when it was just and my mom living together in a one bedroom apartment and she was working at Hardees. She still went out of her way to give me a good Christmas. And then she met my stepdad and we all moved in together, and everything changed. I still treasure those times when it's just me and my mom.