Weftur, I say to you, if it is in the dictionary than it must exist.
card·board Audio pronunciation of "cardboard" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kärdbôrd, -brd) n.
A material similar to thick, stiff paper, that is made of pressed paper pulp or pasted sheets of paper. It is used for making cartons and signs, for example.
1. Made of or consisting of cardboard. 2. 1. Flimsy; insubstantial. 2. Lacking depth; superficial: a movie with only cardboard caricatures of its historical subjects.
adj 1: resembling cardboard especially in flimsiness; "apartments with cardboard walls" [syn: flimsy] 2: without substance; "cardboard caricatures of historical figures" [syn: unlifelike] n : a stiff moderately thick paper [syn: composition board]
In the Where's Weftmeister thread Sparky asks about a cardboard cut out and Wef goes into a rant about there is no such thing as cardboard it's corrugated. As you can guess Star jumped all over it and it took off from there. Imagine that in this place?
Ray- Now give credit where credit is due! I didn't jump all over it until I was provoked to do so by Mz Hartz. At first I was trying to empathize w/ Wef.
Ray, I submit to you that Websters Dictionary also added "ain't" because so many people were using it and it was a fixture in the language. So PFFFFT!
OK, let me explain this in all its boring detail, and then I'm conceading defeat, CALL IT SHIRLEY FOR ALL I CARE!
To call something "board" is to denote it's strength, it is for those materials that can be used to build something capable of supporting weight or structure. "Card" is a description of a certain grade of paper, that which is thick enough to stay rigid. All paper is refered to as "stock". Therefore there is "card stock", paper that is thick enough to be rigid. But there is no "cardboard" because it is not capable of being used to create a structure bearing material.
Anything that is formed in a wavy flute pattern is "corrugated", and by it's nature forms a material with strong supportive characteristics. Paper that has been corrugated and then adheared to two other sheets of strong paper forms "corrugated board", a material that is capable of supporting weight and structure, hence it's use as external and/or shipping packaging.
Wow, I'm really enjoying watching you guys tweak WFTR. I guess I'm a cardboard voyeur.
Oh, by the way...my kids would disagree that cardboard is not good for building structures. If we have a cardboard box in our house, the kids make a fort out of it. I hear some people even live in them...
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
Trish! Yes, boxes make GREAT forts. Because they are made from the stuff that everyone CALLS cardboard, which is actually CORRUGATED BOARD!
Oh, ow! That vein in my head is really starting to throb. Do I look flushed?
I need prescription medicine, and a cave in the mountains. I'll live off of bugs and moss, no packaging required. Yes, that will be very nice, I think. So pretty.....
This is WFTR's lawyer, Andrew Howe, of the firm Dewey, Cheetum, & Howe. I have been asked to speak on behalf of my client, and extend his deepest apologies. Until further notice, WFTR will be out of communication with the civilized world. He is, at this moment, heading for an undisclosed location somewhere in Tibet, or possibly Wisconsin, to take some much needed private time in order to re-center his troubled soul and play some skee-ball.
WFTR wishes to assure everyone that he plans on returning, and that he holds no ill will towards anyone on the FFR forum, except for those who said "cardboard", which is everyone.
He will issue another statement upon his return, or if he needs groceries.